Parts of Speech
Figurative Language
Using an Apostrophe
Using a Comma

What is the part of speech that relates to a person, place, or thing?

a noun


This type of figurative language uses the words "like" or "as" to compare two things.

a simile


A noun that is used to show possession or ownership of something is called this.

a possessive noun


Where should a comma be placed to correct this sentence?

My Dad went to Walmart and I went to the playground to meet up with friends.

after Walmart and before and

My Dad went to Walmart, and I went to the playground to meet up with friends.


The Greek prefix bio- refers to what?



What is the part of speech that shows action?

a verb


This type of figurative language is used to give someone words of advice or common sense that can be applied to your life.

a proverb or adage


When showing a possession, you have to add 's if the noun in the sentence is 

a. singular

b. plural

c. neither

a. singular


Where should a comma be placed to correct this sentence:

Before going to bed Mom told me I need to load the dishwasher.

after bed and before Mom

Before going to bed, Mom told me I need to load the dishwasher.


When a word means something the same or similar to another word and can be found in a Thesaurus, we call this a what?



What is the part of speech that is used to describe a noun?

an adjective


What is the type of figurative language that DOES NOT MEAN what it says, or you cannot take it literal?

an idiom


When showing a possession, you must add only an ' when the noun:

a. is singular

b. is plural and already ends in a "s"

c. neither

b. is plural and already ends in a "s"


Where should a comma be placed to correct this sentence?

Yes we are going to the 7:00 showing of Trolls.

after Yes and before we

Yes, we are going to the 7:00 showing of Trolls.

In a dictionary, what set of guide words would you find the word WASH between?

a. waste and weep

b. watch and wax

c. wad and wart

d. was and water

d. was and water


What is the part of speech used to join two sentences or thoughts together?

a conjunction


What is they type of figurative language where you compare two things together, saying one thing is another thing.

a metaphor


The possessive noun in this sentence is written correctly, TRUE or FALSE?

Mrs. Ware's class is working hard on their iReady lessons this morning!



Join these two sentences, using a comma and conjunction in the correct places and makes sense.

I want to go on the field trip.

I forgot to get my permission slip signed.

I want to go on the field trip, but I forgot to get my permission slip signed.


Fill in the blank with the correct adverb:

The waterfalls were even ____________ (big) than I had expected!



What is the part of speech that is used to express an emotion, like, "Ow!" or "Oops!"

an interjection


What do we call words that are spelled the exact same, but have different meanings?  For example:

1) The train is moving down the tracks quickly!

2) I am going to work hard to train my dog how to sit on command.

a homograph


The possessive noun in this sentence is written correctly, TRUE or FALSE?

The slide on the students's playground is broken.



Combine the two thoughts below using a comma in the correct place that makes sense!

They went out for ice cream.

After the movie ended

After the movie ended, they went out for ice cream.


What are the names of the three tenses that we can write words in, including what has already happened, what's happening now, and what will happen later.

past, present, and future tenses