Oral vs. Written
Words on Words
Teacher Tools

Name the differentiating factor between cognate sounds.

What is voiced and unvoiced?


The term for the smallest part of a word that conveys meaning.

What is morpheme?


Define a phrase.

What is a group of words that has meaning but does not express a complete thought. The primary structure by which we build our thoughts together.


Define the term inference.

What is a conclusion drawn based upon facts or evidence?


Demonstrate an example of alliteration.

What is Peter Piper Picked a Peck of Pickled Peppers?


The term for the study and classification of speech sounds.

What is phonetics?


Define the difference between a free morpheme and a bound morpheme.

What is that free morphemes can stand alone and bound morphemes must be attached to a free morpheme. (most roots and combining forms, affixes)


We typically encounter longer sentences in which form of text: informational or narrative?

What is informational?


This factor strongly influences a student's ability to make an inference. 

What is sufficient background knowledge?

What is prior knowledge?

What is text structure?


This is the term used that relates to the meaning component of language.

What is semantics?


Name 2 ways ways written language taxes the oral language system to make comprehension challenging?

What are 

Absence of prosodic cues

No well-defined context

No conversational repair

Need higher level thinking skills—inferencing/predicting (Perfetti 1986)


Define the difference between depth and breadth of vocabulary, and which is important to distinguish shades of meaning.

What is vocabulary breadth? Students must know many words and understand fine differences among them to distinguish shades of meaning.


Define the term pronoun referent.

What is the noun or noun phrase/clause that a pronoun refers to?  E.g. Carlo poured a cup of coffee and sipped it slowly. It -referent = coffee -noun


State how you might present instruction about what we must do to make an inference.

What is... We need to find clues to get some answers. We need to add those clues to what we already know or have read. There may be more than one correct answer. We need to be able to support inferences with evidence.


The name of a quick assessment used to determine student's word-level reading efficiency and decoding.

What is the TOWRE-2?


Define why we use keywords when teaching letter sounds.

What is they serve as a memory device, and a trigger for the rapid retrieval of sounds.


Define the term lexicon.

What is an individual’s mental dictionary of words that can be used receptively (understood when listening) and expressively (words we know and can use in context verbally)?


The form of assessment that demonstrates a child's ability to predict words and correct forms of words (among choices) within context of connected text. 

What is cloze technique. (Circle/Fill-in-the-blank)


Children with language disorders frequently have difficulty with this type of text structure.

What is narrative?


List three early risk factors that might flag a child at risk for a language-based reading disability.

What are: difficulty with letter/sound correspondence, word retrieval, verbal memory, mispronunciation of words (cimanin/ brue blush), persistent grammar errors in speech (he goed to the store), difficulty understanding spatial terms - L/R, Front/Back


Using discovery, state a procedure you might use to introduce a spelling pattern.

What is: Repeat these words... Take a look at these words. What do we see alike? In what position of the word? Anything else similar we see? What type of vowel is in these words? What spelling pattern do we see?

Define the difference between inflectional and derivational morphemes.

What is...

Inflectional signify possession, tense, number (plural), agreement, and comparison.

Derivational change the part of speech. (e.g. noun to adjective -- poison--poisonous)


Define what makes a complex sentence.

What is an independent clause plus a dependent clause? (You cannot leave the school until the bell rings. After eating the giant cookie, Troy had a stomachache.)


The name of a comprehension strategy that provides a framework for types of text questions and finding answers as we read.

QAR- Question-Answer Relationships


Define what is meant by the expression: "Talking is Not Teaching."

What is: The language teachers use has a tremendous impact on students. The conscious awareness of what we say, how we say it, and why it must be said in a particular way is critical for teachers. As we teach language, we must be controlled in our own use of it, as we instruct children. (Birsh pg 121)