Context Clues
Inferences 2
Cause & Effect
Problem Solving

He said that the cookie was delicious.  He liked eating it. What does delicious mean?

It tastes good.  
Jenny looked down as everyone laughed.  She felt her face get warm and she knew she was turning red.  She wished she could leave the classroom.  How does Jenny feel?
Jenny is embarrassed.
Jim had a headache, but now it's gone.  What do you think Jim did?
He took some medicine.
Dad tried to pour cereal in his bowl, but nothing came out.  Why?
The package inside the cereal box wasn't opened, or it was empty.
Your dog is not eating and it sleeping all the time.  What is the problem? What is the solution?
Problem:  Dog might be sick

Solution:  Take it to the vet


The girl was considerate.  It was kind of her to help me up when I fell down.  What does considerate mean?

She was kind.
Casey loves this time of year.  She loves the bright red leaves on the trees, piles of leaves on sidewalks, and decorated pumpkins showing up on people's porches.  What season is it?
Barbara swept up little pieces of glass from the kitchen floor.  What do you think happened?
Something glass got broken.
John covered his eyes and started counting.  What do you think he was playing?
Hide and seek.
You dropped a plate of food on the floor and it broke.  What is the problem?  How do you solve it?
Problem:  There's a mess on the floor.

Solution:  Clean it up.


She enjoys playing basketball. It is a game that she likes to play.  What does enjoy mean?

She likes it.
When Sam was done with 3rd grade, he moved right to 5th grade.  His teacher said he did not have to attend 4th grade at all.  What can you infer about Sam?
He is very smart and did well in 3rd grade.
Sarah went to a restaurant and sat in a booth.  "Two people have just eaten here".  How does she know this?
There are only 2 place settings.
Omar put a raincoat on before leaving the house.  Why?
It's raining outside now, or is supposed to rain later.
Your have 2 broken legs and your classroom is on the second floor.  What is the problem?  How can you solve it?
Problem:  You can't get to your classroom.

Solution:  Use the elevator.


He is confused.  Will you help answer one of his questions to help him understand? What does confused mean?

When you don't understand something.  
Katie slammed her math book closed and crumpled up the piece of paper she was working on.  "Ugh!" she said. What can you infer about Katie?
Katie is having a hard time with her math.
Tim's dad didn't go to work today.  Why?
Possible answers:  He was sick, he has the day off, he doesn't have a job, it's a day that he doesn't work (weekend).
Grandma lit all the candles on the cake, then Grandpa blew them out.  Why?
It's Grandpa's birthday.
Your at the library and searching for a certain book.  What is the problem? How can you fix it?
Problem:  Your can't find the book you want.

Solution:  Ask the librarian, look it up on the computer.


Ten students in class met their reading goal for last week.  They all read the required 10 books.  What does goal mean?

A set target you want to accomplish.  
When Sue walked into the house, all of her friends jumped out and yelled "surprise!"  She saw a stack of brightly wrapped gifts on the table, along with a cake wit ten candles on it.  Colorful balloons were tied to all of the chairs.  What can you infer about Sue?
It's Sue's 10th birthday.
The floor by the refrigerator is sticky.  What do you think could have happened?
Something got spilled.
Louis put a stamp on an envelope.  Why?
To mail a letter.
You have a garden and it hasn't rained in a long time.  What is the problem?  How can you fix it?
Problem:  Your plants will die.

Solution:  Use a hose or sprinkler to water the garden.