Anatomic Structures
Fundamentals of Periop Nursing

If an ostomy is an opening, what is an ectomy?

What is a removal? 


When in a laparoscopic case, it is necessary to have these instruments available.

What is a laparotomy set? 


In most surgeries, a bovie pad is needed on the patient for cautery.  However, for laparoscopies you never need a bovie pad. 

What is false.  


What is the amount of time a person is called in to have surgery? 

What is 2 hours?


What time is every case supposed to be in the room?

What is the scheduled time? 


The position most patient's receiving a lap chole procedure is?

What is supine?


What is the open/visualization technique used to reach pneumoperitoneum?

What is the Hasson technique? 


What type of gas is used for to achieve pneumoperitoneum?

What is CO2 (most common) nitrous oxide and helium? 


What system does St. Joseph's employ for letting loved ones in the waiting area know they are in surgery?

What is the welcome card and code number to follow? 


If there is an issue in your room, like a lap case converted to an open case what should occur? 

What is inform the Charge/Resource nurse? 


When the patient has his legs crossed usually it is a sign of what?  How does one help relieve this issue?

What is back pain and put a small pillow under the knees. 


What is the method that employs using the stabbing method into the umbilicus to create the pneumoperitoneum? 

What is a veress needle?


The insufflation machine should be set at how many mmHg for the patient's comfort? 

What is 15 mmHg? 


In the waiting area, when the OR nurse puts in the time in the room what does it change?

What is the tracker board in the waiting area colors from white to blue? 


When the CRNA and Anesthesiologist is intubating the patient the OR nurse should be at the side of the patient? 

What is true?


What are some of the reasons a surgeon would choose a lap chole over an open chole?

What is less invasive, less bleeding, decreased post operative pain, decreased infectious complications, shorter hospital stays, return to ADLs quicker


What is the hemoclip used for in laparoscopic surgery?

What is clipping the cystic duct and cystic artery.


When a laparoscopic case is converted to an open case, what are the items that should be given to the surgical tech at the field? 

What is a #10 blade, pack of lap sponges, yankauer/poole and suction tubing and a bovie with holster. Then call SPD for a laparotomy set, long instruments, and bookwalter/omni retractor. 


What person is to come with an OR nurse when you talk with you patient in the preop area? 

Who is the CRNA?


When intubating and extubating a patient the noise level should be? 

What is quiet?


What is the procedure used for a ductal stone? 

What is an ERCP/Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography. 


What is in an IOC and why does the surgeon choose to perform it?

What is an Intra Operative Cholangiogram.  It visualizes the common bile duct and hepatic ductal branches and assess the patency of the common bile duct. 


The cystic duct inferior, common hepatic duct medially and superior inferior surface of the liver is called

What is Calot's triangle? 


What is the impact on Leapfrog if our preop, intraop and postop nurse does not treat the patient well? 

What is an F. 


If your patient has a block, you will need to know where what solution is kept if there is a local toxicity? 

What are lipids kept in the PACU pyxis?