Ancient Prophecies
Obscure Bible Figures
Biblical Parables
Historical Contexts
Mysterious Miracles

In which book of the Bible does the prophet Zephaniah predict the "day of the Lord" and its devastating judgment?

What is Zephaniah?


Who was the Israelite judge who made a rash vow, leading to the sacrifice of his daughter?

Who is Jephthah?


In the Parable of the Good Samaritan, who were the first two people to pass by the wounded man before the Samaritan helped him?

Who are the priest and the Levite?


Which empire conquered Israel and took the northern kingdom into exile in 722 BC?

What is the Assyrian Empire?


What was the nature of the miracle performed by Elisha when he made an axe head float on water?

What is a floating axe head?


Which prophet foretold the fall of Nineveh, the capital of Assyria, and declared that "the chariots will rage in the streets"?

Who is Nahum?


Which prophet is known for his confrontation with Ahab and Jezebel and his prophetic act of calling down fire from heaven?

Who is Elijah?


In the Parable of the Workers in the Vineyard, how much were the laborers paid, regardless of how long they worked?

What is a denarius?


What was the name of the Roman emperor who ordered a census, leading Mary and Joseph to travel to Bethlehem?

Who is Caesar Augustus?


What miracle did Jesus perform at the tomb of Lazarus?

What is raising Lazarus from the dead?


In the book of Ezekiel, which strange creatures are described as part of Ezekiel’s vision, having four faces and wheels within wheels?

What are the cherubim?


Which obscure character from the book of 1 Chronicles was a "mighty man of valor" and killed 800 men in one encounter?

Who is Eleazar, son of Dodo?


In the Parable of the Talents, what did the servant who hid his talent in the ground receive from his master?

What is rebuke and punishment?


During which historical event did King David bring the Ark of the Covenant to Jerusalem?

What is the establishment of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel?


In the Old Testament, which prophet healed Naaman the Syrian of leprosy by having him wash seven times in the Jordan River?  

Who is Elisha?


In the book of Daniel, which kingdom is symbolized by a statue with a head of gold, according to Nebuchadnezzar’s dream?

What is the Babylonian Empire?


Who was the wife of King Ahab, infamous for her idolatry and evil deeds, and was thrown from a window to her death?

Who is Jezebel?


In the Parable of the Rich Fool, what did the rich man plan to do with his abundant crops before he died unexpectedly?

What is build bigger barns?


In the book of Esther, which Persian king reigned during the events of the story, including his decree against the Jews?

Who is King Xerxes?  


What miraculous event occurred when Jesus fed 5,000 people with just five loaves and two fish?

What is the feeding of the 5,000?


Who in the Old Testament prophesied about the "suffering servant" who would be "despised and rejected" and "pierced for our transgressions"?

Who is Isaiah?


Which minor prophet, mentioned in only one verse in the book of 2 Kings, prophesied the death of the king of Israel?

Who is Micaiah?


In the Parable of the Ten Virgins, how many virgins were prepared with oil for their lamps?

What is five?


Which empire was the ruling power when Jesus was born, and its governor was Pontius Pilate?

What is the Roman Empire?


What sign did God give to Hezekiah as a confirmation of his prayer for healing, which involved the shadow moving backward?

What is the sundial shadow moving backward?