Old Testament
New Testament
Mr. Stoeberlisms

God made Eve out of this.

What is Adam's rib?


Disciple Discipline!

For every one of the twelve disciples you name you get 100 points.

Peter, Andrew, James, John, Matthew, Philip, Nathaniel (Bartholomew), James, Thomas, Thaddeus, Simon the Zealot, Judas.


I am the the creator of the universe and I devised the plan of salvation to save you.

Who is God?


This is where Mr. Stoeberl keeps his phone and walkie talkie.

What is his belt?


This is Milwaukee's major league baseball team?

The Milwaukee Brewers!


This was the reason why Esau wanted to kill Jacob.

What is Jcaob stole Esau's birthright?


This is where the angel told Joseph to take Mary and baby Jesus to run from Herod.

What is Egypt?


I am the best friend of David, I protected him even against my own family. Even though it would have been better for me to betray David, I never did.

Who is Jonathon?


If you ask Mr. Stoeberl what is up, what is likely his first response?

The Ceiling.


This was the first Disney Princess movie.

What is Snow White?


Joshua prayed that God would stop this so that the Israelites could gain victory.

What is the sun?


These are the number of items Jesus fed five thousand people with.

What are 5 loaves of bread and two fish?


I was the keeper of the disciples money and secretly stealing from Jesus and the others, but God knew what I was doing.

Who is Judas?


This is what Mr. Stoeberl says if you have three deductions.

Blank you are at three, get one with me it'll be you dt.


This candy has the slogan song of 

"Break me off a piece of that ........"

What is Kit Kat Bar?


The kingdom of Judah was destroyed by this group of people.

What are the Babylonians?


This is the definition of the word Parable.

What is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning?


I am the brother of Joseph who suggested that we throw him into a pit and sell him. I also stood up for Benjamin in Egypt. Despite my flaws the savior comes from my family line.

Who is Judah?


What does Mr. Stoeberl keep in his briefcase?

400 points for each correct.

What are his laptop, Bible, Bible reflection sheets, sentence sheets, teacher's manual, Bible ball questions, Bible ball ball.


These were the names of our student teachers.

400 points for each

Who are Mr. Brown and Mr. Coffee?


This was the city that Jonah was sent to travel to.

What was Nineveh?


This was the number of days Jesus appeared to his disciples after his death before his Ascension.

What is forty days?


I am the high priest who had Jesus arrested. He was taken to my house where we had a fake trial for him. I tore my robes and helped to beat Jesus.

Who is Caiaphas?


This is where Mr. Stoeberl worked when he yelled at someone in German during covid.

What is Menards?


This is the definitions of Law and Gospel.

500 for each.

What is God's expectations for us, and what is God's plan of salvation. Or shows our sin and shows our Savior.