What is this: I'll love you for a 1000 years?
Convert to future tense: I bake apple pie for potluck this weekend...
I will be baking/ will bake/going to bake an apple pie for the potluck this weekend.
I want to deposit_____check in_____bank and get_____cash.
I want to deposit a check in the bank and get (some) cash.
They’ve been waiting___ 9 o’clock to meet with the doctor.
They’ve been waiting since 9 o’clock to meet with the doctor.
Define "hilarious"?
Something really funny.
What is this: "our hearts are bars of soap that we keep losing hold of"
Convert to present continuous:
Harry learned to play the piano.
Harry is learning to play the piano.
___ train arrives at ___ station at 7:00pm.
The train arrives at the station at 7:00pm.
Giselle had a meltdown ___ her exam and ran out of the classroom.
Giselle had a meltdown during her exam and ran out of the classroom.
Define "contemptuous"?
having no respect
What is this: the three legged table was as unstable as a spider on an ice cube?
Convert to present tense:
There will be a surprise party for Rihanna on her 21st birthday.
There's a surprise party for Rihanna on her 21st birthday.
Carla’s father looks to retire in ___ next 3-4 years.
Carla’s father looks to retire in the next 3-4 years.
The participants in an eye tracking study were told to either place the apple ___ the towel or ___ the box.
The participants in an eye tracking study were told to either place the apple on the towel or in the box.
Define "reverence"?
Hold in high regard or have lots of respect for.
What is this: Justice wielded its sword with unwavering impartiality?
Unscramble: college she is today to go to for an the bus event taking afternoon.
She is taking the bus to go to college for an event today afternoon.
Daisha asks ___ professor for help and he responds “Sure drop by ___ time and I can help you.”
Daisha asks the professor for help and he responds “Sure drop by any time and I can help you.”
The song "Thousand Years" ___ Christina Perri is ___ the movie Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1.
The song "Thousand Years" by Christina Perri is from the movie Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 1.
Define "authentic"?
Something that is real, true. Synonyms include genuine/original.
What is this: when life gives you lemons make lemonade?
Unscramble the following: do invited Min-ho to again last we and will so this dinner year Christmas.
We invited Min-ho to dinner last Christmas and will do so again this year.
Monet buys ___ presents for all her relatives.
Monet buys (some) presents for all her relatives.
___ the movie Titanic, Rose may have appeared calm and composed, ___ only Jack understood the longing and grief she hid ___.
In the movie Titanic, Rose may have appeared calm and composed, but only Jack understood the longing and grief she hid within.
Define "resemblance"?
A state of being alike/ similar.