Persuasion Techniques
Immune to Stress
Freudian Defense Mechanisms
Coping With Stress

The view that coronary heart disease is made up of both physical and psychological conditions. For example, CHD shows an increased risk of the amount of heart attacks if someone is high in stress.

Biopsychosocial perspective


In a study, when confederates give the wrong answer, the participant is more likely to also give the wrong answer.

Uniformity of agreement


Cassie is being rude to John, and John thinks that the reason why Cassie is being rude is because of she seems to be having a stressful day.



Jen begins her studying two weeks before an exam date to avoid the high stress of cramming.

Proactive coping


Donna is at a car dealership seeking to buy a new car. The car she wants is priced at $27,000. She agrees to the buy the car. Right before signing the paperwork, the salesman notifies Donna that after the add-ons and taxes, the total cost of the car is $30,000.

Low-ball technique


Arthritis and multiple sclerosis

Autoimmune diseases


In the story of Kitty Genovese, people who heard her screams as she was being stabbed were committing the __________, which is when people "freeze" in emergencies and become helpless to help.

bystander effect


Although Kevin is an adult, he throws temper tantrums when he doesn't get his way.



Getting things off your chest by punching pillows or throwing objects against the wall.



Thomas asks his father to borrow the car to go on a weekend camping trip with his friends. His father says no, then Thomas asks if he can borrow the car for a few hours to go to his friend's house.

Door-in-the-face technique


A waxy and fatty substance that travels through the arteries is _______. The collection of this fatty substance in the walls of the arteries that can narrow or block the coronary artery is called ________.

cholesterol; atherosclerosis


It turns out that in a group, the whole is less than the sum of its parts. This is because people tend to slack off when they are working in groups.

Social loafing


Jason feels that his boss is being unfair to him, but he fears that he will be fired if he complains or expresses his anger. Later that day, Jason shouts at his husband for no reason.



Raquel has a phobia of spiders. When she sees a spider in her bedroom, she cannot think about anything other than her fear of the spider.



Brandon is at Toyota getting his car serviced and decides to kill time by looking at the new Corolla's in the showroom. A salesman approaches Brandon and explains all the features of the new Corolla's and mentions that Toyota will give him a customer loyalty discount if he trades his Corolla in for a new one. However, the salesman lets Brandon know that he has the choice to say no.

"But you are free" technique


Stress contributes to these types of illnesses which can include asthma and ulcers



In 2013, someone tweeted that President Barack Obama was injured in an attack on the White House. The market took a 130 billion dollar plunge. The market recovered when the tweet was proved false.

Mass hysteria


Billy fails to recognize that his every day alcohol consumption will negatively affect his health, so he continues to drink.



George is giving a speech in his Speech Communications course and the thought of public speaking is highly stressing him out. He decides to hire a public speaking coach to help him learn how to write a good speech. George also practices his speech on his family and friends before class.

Problem-focused coping


Lucy asks her mother if she can go to Jamie's house. Her mother says yes to her request, then Lucy asks her mother if she can go to the mall with Jamie. Later on, Lucy asks her mother is she can pick Jamie and her up from the mall.

Foot-in-the-door technique


You are more likely to catch a cold if you are high in stress.



Renee sees a dog with a collar walking down the road by itself. As she walked by, she became worried and was thinking whether the dog needed help or not. She looked around and saw that no one else was responding and assumed the dog didn't need help.

Pluralistic ignorance


In reality, Kate never listens to her daughter when she speaks to her; however, Kate thinks that her daughter is the one who is always not listening. 



Sarah's boyfriend just broke up with her, so she distracts herself with painting her apartment to get her mind off of it.

Emotion-focused coping