Bible Questions
Tema Questions

What story from the Bible was mentioned during the preach?

Jesus telling the parable of sower (farmer).


Who Preached at the last kid's service?



What was the main verse used at the beginning of the preach?

Isaiah 58:11


What was the Tema?

A Beautiful Flower in God's Garden


Where in the Bible was the story from that was talked about in the preach?

Matthew 13:1-9


What example was used to compare with our walk in Christ?

How plants/flowers grow, their life cycle.


Name another one of the Bible verses that was read during the preach

Genesis 2:8

1 Corinthians 3:6-8


What was the main message of the preach?

You are like a beautiful flower or plant that God is growing in His garden. Just like you would take care of a plant in a garden by giving it water and sun and good soil, God is giving you everything you need to healthy, strong, and follow Christ. When we read the Bible, pray, and seek God with all our heart we are like the plants that fell on good ground that grew healthy, strong, and beautiful because we are filled with the word of God and the love of Christ. *Or similar answers


What does the story (parable) talked about mean?

The seeds that fell on good ground are like the believers who remain firm in seeking God. The other examples represent people who did not accept the word of God when they heard it, those that started off strong, but let evil sneak into their lives, and those that accepted the word, but did not seek God firmly and consistently.


Bonus points for another correct detail about the preach!

*Answers will vary