“The only true wisdom is in knowing you know nothing”
Who is Socrates?
This term refers to the belief that ethical standards vary depending on cultural, societal, or individual perspectives.
What is Moral Relativism?
A logical system that accepts the following statement as a theorem (a statement that is true from no premises):
P or not P
What is Classical Logic (Or Relevance Logic)
This philosophical theory asserts that knowledge is primarily derived from sensory experiences and empirical evidence.
What is Empiricism?
This philosopher tried to help Socrates escape prison
Who is Crito?
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion”
Who is Camus?
This situation is where a person must choose between two morally conflicting options, each leading to undesirable outcomes
What is a Moral Dilemma?
A property of a logical system that holds:
If a sentence P is provable in a logical system, then that logical system makes P true
What is Soundness
This theory holds that vision, taste, hearing, smelling, etc. are a source of justification for our moral beliefs (and more strongly, a source of moral knowledge)
What is Moral Perception?
This philosopher was raised by Jeremy Bentham, Francis Place, and his father. He was deliberately shielded from association with children his own age other than his siblings. His father, a follower of Bentham and an adherent of associationism, had as his explicit aim to create a genius child.This philosopher was raised by Jeremy Bentham, Francis Place, and his father. He was deliberately shielded from association with children his own age other than his siblings. His father, a follower of Bentham and an adherent of associationism, had as his explicit aim to create a genius child.
Who is John Stuart Mill? (Or The GOAT)
“The point of philosophy is to show the fly the way out of the fly bottle”
Ludwig Wittgenstein
A normative ethical theory that holds that moral action centers on interpersonal relationships and care or benevolence as a virtue
What is Ethics of Care?
This view claims that there is at least one true contradiction
What is Dialetheism
The theory of knowledge that focuses on the reasons an agent possess for their belief as a source of justification
What is Internalism?
This woman is credited with creating the Trolley Problem
Who is Philippa Foot?
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong."
Who is Bertrand Russell?
This moral theory posits that moral statements do not express propositions and therefore cannot be true or false.
What is Moral Noncognitivism?
In classical logic, this logical operator has the following truth conditions:
P (binary operator) Q is false if and only if Q is false and P is true
What is the material conditional?
The theory of knowledge that focuses on the continued accuracy of belief-forming as a source of justification
What is Reliabilism (Or Externalism)
This philosophical school, often associated with figures like Plotinus and Proclus, posits a hierarchy of existence where the ultimate reality is a transcendent, ineffable One, and the material world emanates from this higher realm through a series of descending levels.
What is Neoplatonism
"Time is a created thing. To say 'I don't have time' is like saying, 'I don't want to.'"
Who is Lao Tzu?
This moral theory posits that there are no general ethical principles we can use to determine right/wrong action. Rather, we should take into all aspects of the given situation.
What is Ethical Particularism?
This view states that there is more than one correct logical system
What is Logical Pluralism?
The principle that if a person knows a certain proposition P and also knows that P→ Q, then that person should also know Q.
What is Epistemic Closure?
This philosopher, while in a heated disagreement with Karl Popper, (allegedly) threatened him with a red-hot fire poker
Who is Ludwig Wittgenstein?