Ch. 13 Incentive Pay
Ch. 14 Benefits
Storm Stuff
Ch. 15 Unions
Ch. 16 Global HRM

An incentive plan that pays workers amount for a work/job done according to a preset amount of time, regardless of how long it actually takes.

What is the Standard Hour plan?


Along with other required benefits an employer must provide or facilitate, this provides for workers in the event of work-related injuries or illnesses.

What is Workers Compensation (Insurance)?


This is the month with the highest average number of lightning strikes in the US, at 3.7 million, per day!

What is June?


Labor union whose members all have a particular skill area or occupation type.

What is a Craft Union?


Multinational Companies may build facilities in a number of countries to minimize or reduce these.

What are production (and distribution) costs?


A system of linking pay increases to ratings on performance appraisals for employees.

What is Merit Pay?


While it's not required to be paid (in the US), it does secure the job of those who have a new child, need to do caregiving, or are called to active duty in the military.

What is Family and Medical Leave?


The name for this type of storm comes from the 'god of evil' in several Caribbean nations.

What is a hurricane?


The two primary types are strikes and lockouts.

What are Work Stoppages?


These are employees assigned to work in another country.

What are expatriates?


Gainsharing, bonuses and team awards are ways companies can recognize this.

What is Group Performance or Group Incentive / Pay?


Type of benefit that allows employees to still receive salary/wages for holidays, vacation or when ill.

What is PTO or Paid Leave?


Also called a "haboob" - this occurs several times a year in the US, primarily in Arizona.

What is a dust storm?


This is the process for resolving union-management conflicts over work rules or other parts of a collective bargaining agreement.

What is a Grievance Procedure?


Along with Education, Economics, and Politics/Legal, this most important factor affects HRM for companies operating in international markets.

What is Culture?


An incentive payment that is tied to company performance, as a percentage bonus, and aims to get employees "thinking like owners" about the organization's success.

What is Profit Sharing?


A type of Group coverage that provides all or part of an employee's income if they are suddenly, temporarily, or permanently unable to work.

What is Disability Insurance?


Due to the weather phenomena that occurs here more than anywhere else in the world, many of the USA plains states and upper Midwest are in "this".

What is 'Tornado Alley'?


This federal government agency conducts and certifies union representation elections and investigates unfair labor practices.

What is the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB)?


These are the Four Emotional Stages of a foreign assignment.

What are: Honeymoon, Culture Shock, Recovery, and Adjustment?


This is a combination of measures of the company's short and long term goals that, met at a certain percentage, determine incentive pay bonuses.

What is a Balanced Scorecard?


An offering of benefit alternatives allowing an employee to choose types and amounts they want.

What is a Cafeteria (Style) Plan?


This storm type is reserved for straight-line windstorms that continue at least 400 miles with a width of at least 60 miles.

What is a derecho?


A negotiated contracted stipulation under which the employer automatically deducts union dues from employees' paychecks on behalf of the union. 

What is a checkoff provision?


This dimension of culture (1 of 6) describes the way people relate to each other and their expectations for interactions with others in particular society and also at work.

What is Individualism / Collectivism?