bonus points
LatCrit Theory
Tribal Crit Theories
Asian Crit Theory

 Crit is short for

What is Critical?


The use of the LatCrit Theory

What is to reveal ways Latinas/os experience race, class, gender, and sexuality while also acknowledging the Latina/o experience?


The Tribal Crit theory emerged in

What is 2005?


Coloma (2006) four conceptual frameworks for examining the AAPI experience in education: 

What are pan-ethnic, intersectional, cultural, and transnationl?


Dr. Rhone identifies as...

What is Dr. Rhone's turn to answer? :)


Huber's (2010, 2011) theory of racist nativism explains

"What is how whites marginalize anyone who they believe is not "native" to the United States - labeling anyone with this status as a "foreigner" regardless of immigration status..."


Tribal Nation Building dreq upon

What are the principles of Tribal Crit theory and Indigenous Knowledge system to develop the concept of tribal nation building as grounded in reciprocity rooted in relations and responsibilities that suggest individuals serve their nation and communities? 


Asian American legal scholarships began the formation of 

What is the Asian Crit Theory? 

Tonight's presenters are...

Who are Amy, Chaz, and Tenille?


"Aleman (2009) studied the perspectives of..."

What are eight Mexican American superintendents in Texas regarding their perspectives on change in Texas school finance policy?


The eight tenets of Tribal Crit theory are:

What is found between pages 138 and 139 of the book? 


Kumashiro (2006) calls for 

What is the expansion of the theory in the study of AAPIs in education?