Different Types
Prevent Lateral Violence

What type of Lat. Violence is open hostility towards others?

Active or overt


Who can be a target of lateral violence?



What is •internalizing the myths and misinformation that society communicates to them about their group?

Internalized Oppression


What can you do if you experience lateral violence? (Lots of answers)

Report the behaviour to the appropriate manager in your workplace

Keep a record of the negative behaviours. Make notes about the time, date, locations and any witnesses who may have seen the incidents.

Address your concerns with the aggressor and ask them if they stop.

Speak to an elder.

Seek external advice.

Seek the support of family and friends.


What type of lateral violence is: Not giving enough work so the individual will feel useless



Name a cause of lateral violence (many answers)


■Oppression & powerlessness (loss of self-determination)

■Introduction of patriarchal governing systems

–Forced away from traditional forms of governance (i.e. consensus-based processes)

■Disintegration of traditional values/teachings of oneness

■Intergenerational trauma

■Lack of resources and opportunity

■Ongoing experiences of racism and discrimination

■Loss of culture and identity

■Not knowing the history



What is turning upon ourselves, upon our families, and upon our own people the distress patterns that result from the racism and oppression of the majority society

Lateral violence!


What can management do about lateral violence? (lots of answers)

Admit that lateral violence exists

Establish policy and procedures for lateral violence

Have workshop sessions on lateral violence mandatory for all staff to attend

Establish behavioural expectations


What type of Lateral Violence is Actual physical contact

Active/ Overt


What is the crab mentality?

I can't have it so neither should you


What are: 






Conflict resolution styles


How can we fight internalized racism? (Lots of answers)

–Take pride and celebrate cultural identity

–Become a friend/ally to someone suffering from internalized oppression

–Start a support group for healing from internalized oppression

–Take action against injustice and oppression

–Identify symptoms of internalized oppression operating in group settings

–Protect young people from effects of internalized oppression


What type of lateral violence is refusing to work with someone, backstabbing

Passive/ covert


What is "People who are victims of a situation of dominance turn on each other instead of confronting the system that oppresses them. The oppressed become the oppressors. (Creative Spirit, n.d.)"

Lateral Violence!


What are: 

•Negative impact on how we can accomplish things together, support each other in times of need

•Social withdrawal to avoid lateral violence

•Fighting between families

•Sabotaging of each other’s efforts to do good

•Jealousy, shaming, blaming

Negative effects of lateral violence and internalized racism


What will you do to stop lateral violence?

No right answer


What type of lateral violence is Making physical threats

Active / Overt


What are: Assertive, Passive, Passive - Aggressive and Aggressive? 

Communication Styles


What is STABEN? (either the definition or what the acronym is)

Conflict Resolution Styles 


–Time (and place)

–Amicable Start





What will you do to stop lateral violence?

No right answer