What are the three characteristics of nouns?
look here to know noun declension
genitive singular
genders of nouns
masculine, feminine, neuter
characteristics of verbs
person, number, tense, voice, mood
marking the long and short syllables of a poem is called
a, ae, ae, am, a, ae, arum, is, as, is
The first declension endings
2nd Principle part
a word that describes a noun or pronoun
infinitive -re
present stem
how many conjugations there are
direct object
Accusative case
how many principle parts a verb has
a word that starts a subordinate clause
subordinating conjunction
how to form the present tense
present stem + present endings
the perfect stem is...
3rd PP - i
direct address
how you decline a noun
do you take the genitive singular ending off and add each case ending to the remaining stem
a clause that cannot stand by itself as a complete thought
How to form the pluperfect
perfect stem + era + regular endings
a subset of the 3rd conjugation where the first principle part starts with -io
3rd -io
3rd declension neuter endings
-, is, i, -, e, a, orum, ibus, a, ibus
Included in the dictionary definition of a noun
nominative singular, genitive singular, gender, definition
another term for independent clause
main clause
when something happens
how to form the imperfect tense
present stem + ba (tense indicator) + present endings