Economic Systems
You say what?
This political system restricts electoral competition to revival factions of the socioeconomic elite.
What is an oligarchic democracy?
This style of authoritarianism is most common, and is characterized by rule by an individual military strongmen.
What is a dictatorship?
This economic model argues that every nation should concentrate upon its "comparative advantage."
What is economic liberalism?
This theory called for Latin American countries to support the private sector, liberalize trade policies, and reduce the economic role of the state.
What is the "Washington Consensus"?
Latin America's economic liberalism was based on this Enlightenment Thinker's ideologies.
Who is Adam Smith?
This form of democracy allows for free and fair elections, however dupes the middle class voters into supporting the existing social and economic power structure
What is a co-optative democracy?
This form of authoritarianism is characterized by leadership that can create alliances amongst opposing interests.
What is populism?
These societies were too dependent to implement policies of Import Substitution Industrialization.
What are plantation societies?
This "technocratic bureau" found that commercial relationships worked to the systematic disadvantage of primary producing countries.
What is the Economic Commission for Latin America? (ECLA)
This is an extreme form of populism, where political institutions followed functional strategies rather than partisan strategies.
What is the "Corporatist State?"
These were the two forms of democracy that were most common amongst Latin American nations during the era of liberal economic reforms.
What are co-optative and oligarchic democracy?
This political process brings about "radical change" to existing power structures.
What is revolution?
One effect of this economic policy was the modernization of the upper-class elite.
What is economic liberalism?
He condemned "Liberation Theology" and excommunicated many of its leading proponents.
Who is Pope John Paul II?
This is Latin America's version of the "feudal lord."
What is the caudillo?
This form of government combines free and fair elections with full enjoyment of citizens rights.
What is a liberal democracy?
This type of regime is characterized by: 1. granting of public office to people with "bureaucratic careers" 2. political and economic exclusion of the working class 3. the elimination of political activity
What is bureaucratic authoritarianism?
This economic policy required state support of entrepreneurs and public investment in infrastructure.
What is ISI? (Import Substitution Industrialization)
This organization created an economic recovery plan that required Latin American nations to slash government expenditures and subsidies and wherever possible, reduce real wages!!
What is the International Monetary Fund? (IMF)
Economic ideology of the 1990's led the United States to advocate the adoption of these "bilateral relationships."
What are Free Trade Agreements?
This form of democracy was most common in the recent years and combines free and fair elections with the partial denial of civil liberties to citizens.
What is an illiberal democracy?
He is perhaps the most infamous dictator of the 20th century.
Who is Fidel Castro?
This ideology, born in Latin America in the 1960's, argued for the empowerment of people from below by creating grass-roots organizations and local mobilization.
What is liberation theology?
In this prominent book, Chilean writer Francisco Encinas explained Latin America's backwardness as the result of "weak character, habits, and values."!
What is Nuestra Inferioridad Económica?
As part of the failure of the ISI model, many Latin American countries fell subject to this.
What is "market saturation"