A homophone for the English translation of "scis" is this deity.
Who is Juno?
A Latin-derived four note motif often found in film scores.
What is the dies irae?
Nine days from today marks the widely accepted date of this Roman's death.
Who is Julius Caesar?
Latin word for the class' designated groups.
What is a familia?
The English translation of the main character's name is this adjective.
What is "lucky"?
The insects which lent their name to Achilles' Myrmidon legion.
What are ants?
Demigod whose singing voice was provided by Roger Bart in the eponymous 1997 film.
Who is Hercules?
Species of Incitatus, favored prospective consul of Caligula.
What is a horse?
Students are given a sheet containing a set amount of these, with opportunities for more.
What are denarii?
Offering to the household gods sought by Vatia.
What are uvae?
Region of the Underworld for neutral souls.
What are the Fields of Asphodel?
Christopher Nolan's upcoming 2026 movie is an adaptation of this epic.
What is "The Odyssey"?
The author of The Aeneid wrote the epic in part to legitimize this emperor's rule.
Who is Augustus?
1st present active indicative of the verb "to see", and the best way to study in IB.
What is "video"?
The *first* character to not be voiced by a student in the audiobook.
Who is Primus?
The swampy region home to the Hydra.
What is Lerna?
A phrase used to express surprise, derived from the name of the king of the gods.
What is "By Jove"?
Erstwhile Egyptian enemy of Rome Cleopatra's name is partially derived from what Latin word?
What is pater?
What one might ask if "negotiolum" came up.
What is "Licetne mihi ire ad latrinam?"
The country of origin of the goddess worshiped by many characters across Liber VI
What is Egypt?
The goddess most likely to figuratively "lock in".
Who is Cardea?
The value in the mos maiorum seen represented on the Virginian seal.
What is "virtus"?
The two hills upon which Romulus and Remus held their augury contest.
What are the Palatine and Aventine Hills?
Latin word meaning "proper", and favored catchphrase of a club co-president.
What is "decorum"?
The year, in Roman numerals, of the textbook's inception.
What is MMXX?