The central hall with an open roof
How many layers were built into the road for durability
What was used to define eyes?
what type of class structure did Romans have?
a strict class structure
What are the Vestimentarii?
the clothing shops
Multi-story apartment building for lower classes.
The Roman Insula
What way is the queen of roads?
Via Appia (Appian way)
What was used for lips and cheeks?
Red ochre
What did their rights depend on?
their social status
Why did Romans shop daily?
because they had limited food preservation.
Garden, often in the courtyard
How fast is an average person's speed of travel?
15-20 Miles per day
What type of depictions of individuals were revealed in portraits?
they could buy it
How long were the shops open?
from morning to sunset.
a cistern or tank to receive water falling
Foundation of large stones
__ based powders for pale skin
Verum or falsus?
Romans could move between classes.
What is the candelaria?
The candle shop.
Private toilet
What systems were included in the roads to prevent water damage?
Drainage systems
what type of skin did females have to indicate high social status due to not needing to work outside?
What are the roles for roman women?
Teach children, and keep the house together
Verum or Falsus?
Shopping areas were social gathering places.