This building was used for a frightful purpose.
when turning a corner in a chariot race what would you see?
if you were performing onstage what would people call you?
a person who performs on the stage
Walking around Italy you see many paintings on the walls. What are these called?
fresco, which is a wall painted with water colors applied to wet plaster.
If you go to the Colosseum in ancient times who what would you likely see?
Gladiator; a fighter in the Colosseum, usually a slave, who fought for his live against other gladiators and wild beasts
what was a common weapon Gladiators used?
Gladius; sword
If you were going to a racetrack in Rome where would you go?
Circus Maximus
While translating Latin in class you realize it was written by the first Roman writer of comedy. What is that persons name?
when making a mosaic what are the tiny pieces of stone, glass, or tile called?
Where Romans went to get clean
thermae, the public baths where Romans went to get clean, but also socialize and exercise
what is the name of the gladiator that fights with a net and trident?
a derivative of this word is incarcerated meaning imprisoned.
When going to an ancient Roman play you realize the senators aren't sitting with the general audience. Where are they sitting?
The senators are sitting in the orchestra.
when you read poetry what are the lines of it called?
What would you call the people watching the gladiator fights?
spectatores- spectators
what was the Ludus Magnus?
a training school for gladiators in Rome
Whats the difference between a biga and a quadriga?
a biga is a two-horse chariot, while a quadriga is a four-horse chariot
If you wanted to perform a play about the gods and goddesses what would you do?
you would do a pantomime which is a dramatic form that involved masked dancers miming the actions of a story about gods and goddesses.
the Roman poet who wrote metamorphoses
what is the verb called that the gladiators do?
pugnat- he fights
what is the difference between the latin word VENATIO and NAUMACHIA?
venatio is a staged beast hunt, while naumachia is a naval battle.
what does factiones mean and what were the colors of them?
factiones were the teams that the charioteers were divided with; the colors were red, blue, white, green
In class you were learning about famous Roman comedy writers. Who would one of them be?
The verb that the audience did in the Colosseum.
spectat- he/she looks at, watches