Give the English meanings of the following words:
amīcus, deus, fēmina, vir
friend, god, woman, man
Translate into English:
Puella amīcam in viā exspectat.
The girl waits for her friend in the street.
Translate into English:
Dominus vīnum bibere vult.
The master wants to drink wine.
Translate into Latin:
The boy sees the girl.
Puer puellam videt.
Known as Zeus to the Greeks, he is the god of the sky and king of the gods.
Give the English meanings of the following words:
audit, dormit, videt, fugit
Translate into English:
Sacerdōtēs fēminās ad templum dūcit.
The priests leads the women to the temple.
Translate into English
Ego sum vir fortis. In bellō pugnō.
I am a brave man. I fight in the war.
Translate into Latin:
The thief also has a sword.
Fūr quoque gladium habet.
This god is happiest in the thick of battle. You can identify him by his spear and shield. (Latin name ONLY)
Give the English meanings of the following words:
caelum, carcer, flūmen, praeda
sky, prison, river, spoils/booty
Translate into English:
Servus puerum et puellam cūrat.
The slave takes care of the boy and the girl.
Translate into English:
Sum tristis! Fīlium meum nōn habeō!
I am sad! I do not have my son.
Translate into Latin:
The king wants to capture the girl.
Rēx puellam capere vult.
This Roman god might work as a mailman today, but be careful! He might steal your mail! (Latin name only)
Give the English meanings of the following words:
currit, pōnit, quaerit, vincit, inquit
runs, puts, looks for, defeats, says
Translate into English:
Senex puerōs et puellam prope flūmen invenit.
The old man finds the boys and (a) girl near the river.
Translate into English:
Es rēx malus! Puellam in carcere ponis!
You are a bad king. You put the girl in prison.
Translate into Latin:
I am an old man. I take care of the boys.
(Ego) sum senex. (Ego) puerōs cūrō.
You can probably find this goddess chasing after deer in the moonlight. Just be careful not to interrupt her bath time. (Greek AND Latin name)
Give the English meanings of the following words:
locus, vestis, fert, invenit, gladius, dat
place, clothing, brings, finds, sword, gives
Translate into English:
Postquam fūrēs hominēs petunt, praedam et pecūniam capiunt.
After the thieves attack the people, they take booty and money.
Translate into English:
Hominēs fugere nōn possunt quod vir malus gladium habet.
The people are not able to flee because the bad man has a sword.
Translate into Latin:
The young men wait in the forest. Then the young men kill the thieves.
Iuvenēs in silvā exspectant. Tum iuvenēs fūrēs necant.