A TENSE Situation
Well in that CASE
You MEAN to tell me...
"Once upon a time..."
How it REALLY happened!

These are the four principal parts of a verb (in the right order).

What are present tense, infinitive, perfect tense and perfect passive participle?


These are the functions of the six cases (in the right order).

What are subject, possessive, indirect object, direct object, object of the preposition and direct address?


In the phrase "ubi multa horrea sita erant" the verb sinere (to situate) is in this tense.

What is pluperfect?


This was the engineering innovation that allowed Haterius to construct the splendid arch of Titus.

What was a crane (polyspaston)?

The Roman Empire was preceded by: a) the Roman Senate; b) the Roman Consulate; c) the Roman Republic.

What is c) the Roman Republic?


In the passive voice, these three tenses require the use of the participle.

What are perfect, future perfect and pluperfect?


These are the Genitive singular endings for the I, II and III Declensions (in the right order).

What are -ae, -ī and -is?


The word arcūs (with the macron) can either mean "the arches" or "___ the arch."

What is "of the arch"?



These were two ways in which Haterius and Salvius were related.

What are patron-client, and through marriage to the sisters Vitellia and Rufilla?


This was Rome's coastal port at the mouth of the Tiber River.

What was Ostia?


This tense, when in the subjunctive mood, contains the entire infinitive of a verb.

What is Imperfect?


In this gender, the Nominative Plural always ends in -a.

What is neuter?


"Paulō ante hōram prīmam..." means:

a) Paulus was present in the first hour...

b) A little before the first hour...

c) Paulo was absent in the first hour...

d) For Paul his aunt was of prime importance...

What is b) "A little before the first hour..."?


The ancestors of Haterius (also named Haterius) had risen to this rank in Roman society.

What was consul?


During the Republic, the two most senior magistrates who presided over the senate held this office.

What was consul?


The presence of these four letters between the perfect stem and the present ending of a verb indicates a pluperfect subjunctive.

What is "-isse"?


The odd one out in this list of mostly second declension nouns: puer, servus, carmen, dōnum.

What is carmen (third declension)?



The phrase Diē Illuscente means: a) When the day had dawned; b) As the day was dawning; c) the brightness of the day; d) brighter than the day; or e) gods of the island. 

What is b) As the day was dawning?


Haterius hoped to attain the rank of consul by first being made this.

What was a priest?


A great fire occurred in Rome during this emperor's reign.

Who was Nero?


This is the degree of an adverb when the ending is -ius.

What is the comparative degree?


This is the degree of the adjective when the ending is -ior.

What is the comparative degree?


The phrase "frūmentō expositō" means: a) Fruits for export; b) Grains for export; c) When the grain was exported; d) Once the grain had been unloaded.

What is d) Once the grain had been unloaded?


Salvius sold Haterius a plot of land on which this famous Roman family was buried.

Who were the Scipii?


This Emperor had boasted that he had received Rome built with brick and left it built of marble (urbem laterīciam accēpī marmoream reliquī).

Who was Caesar Augustus (Octavian)?