If the stem of a participle ends with -ns or -nt, this is the tense of the participle.
What is present tense?
This case is crucial for determining the stem of a noun.
What is genitive?
The phrase "rē vērā" means: a) rarely right b) in reality; c) really weird d) to revere.
What is b) in reality?
Paris' diminutive friend and musical accompanist was named: a) Myrapisnews; b) Miropaeneas; c) Myropnous; d) Miropemnus
What was C) Myropnous?
These were the twenty young men chosen each year to serve in Rome as junior officials.
Who were the vīgintīvir?
The presence of these four letters between the perfect stem and the present ending of a verb indicates a pluperfect subjunctive.
What is "-isse"?
Participles are verbal ________.
What are adjectives?
The word arcūs (with the macron) can either mean "the arches" or "___ the arch."
What is "of the arch"?
Although he flirted with scandal by acting out an affair between two immortals in Domitian's palace, at a less intimate performance arranged by Vitellia, Paris enacted this popular story, which was a part of Virgil's Aeneid.
What is the death of Dido?
The aedīlis was also known as the _________ meaning tribune of the people.
What is tribūnus plēbis?
This tense, when in the subjunctive mood, contains the entire infinitive of a verb.
What is Imperfect?
Besides case, adjectives match their nouns in these two other criteria.
What are number and gender?
By saying "Haterius laudandus est," the Senator named Crispus was encouraging the other guests that they should do this.
What is praise Haterius?
This was the name of Domitian's freedman (the lībertus Augustī) who took it on himself to frame Domitia and Paris for treason and adultery.
HINT: It's not Euphrosynē. Second hint: in the Bible it's the name of a friend of St. Paul who visited him in prison.
What is Epaphrodītus?
This was the highest position in the cursus honōrum.
What was the office of cōnsul?
In the first and second conjugations, future tense verbs look a lot like this other tense.
What is imperfect?
All plural genitive nouns end in these two letters (and may include other letters before them).
What is -um?
The phrase "pōcula iaciēbantur" meant that this action was being done to cups at Haterius' dinner.
What is throw(n)?
Ultimately, Paris died because: a) he was discovered alone in Haterius' house with the Emperor's wife; b) he was being pursued by the Praetorian guard; c) he was trying to save Domitia by distracting the soldiers; d) he slipped while on the roof; e) all of the above; f) only three of the above answers.
What is e) all of the above?
These officials ran the Roman law courts.
What were praetōrēs?
In the passive voice, these three tenses require the use of the participle.
What are perfect, future perfect and pluperfect?
In this declension, nouns are mostly feminine, unless derived from the word for "day," in which case they are masculine.
What is fifth?
The phrase "eōdem diē" means: a) on the same day; b) at the end of the day; or c) everyday.
What is a) on the same day?
When in trouble, Paris' modus operandī was to: a) stand and fight; b) surrender c) pay a bribe; d) climb up onto a roof to get away.
What is d) climb up onto a roof to get away?
Agricola was born in AD 40 and became a tribune in this year (or how old was he when he became tribune?).
When was AD 58? (He was 18).