The declension of this noun: fidēs, fidēī, f.
What is 5th declension
Adjectives must agree with the nouns they modify in _________, __________, and _____________.
What is, gender, number and case?
"You all will grieve" from
doleō, dolēre, doluī, ---
What is dolēbitis?
"For the good man" from
vir, virī, m.
bonus, bona, bonum
What is virō bonō?
The case function of the noun in bold
Vōs pugnāminī ā hostibus vestrīs.
What is ablative of agent?
The declension of this noun: pēs, pedis, m.
What is 3rd declension?
Ablative case function that *never* uses a preposition.
What is Ablative of means/instrument?
"They are being freed" from
liberō, liberāre, liberāvī, liberātum
What is liberāntur?
"By the strong monsters" from
fortis, fortis, forte
monstrum, monstrī, n.
What is monstrīs fortibus?
The case function of the word in bold
Nōs hostēs gladiīs pugnābamus.
What is ablative of means/instrument?
The mood of this verb: ambulā
What is imperative?
The two declension patterns of adjectives.
What is 2-1-2 and 3rd?
"We were being sought" from
quaerō, quaerere, quaesīvī, quaesītum
"For the beautiful flower" from
flōs, floris, m.
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum
What is florī pulchrō?
The case function of the word in bold
Nōs hostēs magnā irā pugnabamus.
What is ablative of manner?
The mood of this verb: iacere
What is infinitive?
What is the personal ending?
"We will consume" from
consumō, consumere, consumpsī, consumptum
What is consumēmus?
"All the journeys (D.O.)" from
iter, itineris, n.
omnis, omnis, omne
What is itinera omnia?
The case function of the word in bold
Tū putāris esse intellegentem.
The mood of this verb: velle
What is infinitive?
The case for the receiver of the action of a passive verb.
What is nominative?
"You are being thrown" from
iaciō, iacere, iēcī, iactum
What is iacēris?
"Of intelligent matters"
intellegens, intellegentis
rēs, rēī, f.
What is rerum intellegentium?
The case function of the noun in bold
Nōs putāmus tē esse intellegentem.