to hide
Case, number, and gender of hanc
accusative singular feminine
Maelō tamen uxōrem suam vix audiēbat,
quod officīna erat clāmōsa.
Maelo however hardly heared his wife, because the workshop was noisy.
Case of the noun, Lucilio in "deinde lēgātus Lūcīliō dīxit..."
Confronts Cantaber about his stash of gold.
Case, number, gender of illud
Nominative or accusative, singular, neuter
paucōs post diēs, tōta familia Maelōnis occupāta erat,
quod diēs nūptiālis appropinquābat.
After a few days, Maelo's whole family was occupied because the wedding day was approaching.
Function of ei in, "Alexander Sabīnae manum dextram tenēbat, et eī ōsculum dedit."
indirect object
Alexander's mother
Latin pronouns must agree with their antecedents in what two respects?
gender and number
diē nūptiārum tuārum sīcut rēgīna eris, Sabīna.
On your wedding day you will be like a queen, Sabina.
Tense of tulerunt in "posteā māter Alexandrī facēs sacrās deae Cererī incendit, et sorōrēs eās tulērunt"
Perfect tense
Person whom Otho says was forced by Nero to commit suicide.
to steal
In addition to nominative feminine singular, haec may be what case, number, and gender?
nominative or accusative plural neuter
tandem invēnērunt animal īnfēlīx, quod in
vestīmentīs nūptiālibus sē cēlābat.
At last they found the unhappy animal, which was hiding in the wedding clothes.
What is the first principal part of obtulit: "tum deae Iūnōnī precēs obtulit."
offero (I offer)
Commander of the province of Lusitania.
to know
Accusative singular neuter of is, ea, id?
ubi Cantaber Lūcīlium vituperābat, Othō vīdit comitem īram temperāre nōn posse.
When Cantaber was scolding Lucilius, Otho saw that his comrade was not able to control his anger.
What kind pronoun is qui, as in "...Cantaber, quī īram cēlāre nōn poterat"
Relative pronoun
Makers of "lateres"?
Alexander's father and brothers.