Goodbye Female Teacher
Wale Magistra
My mother is great!
Meum mater est optime!
Do you write with a sella or a stylus?
What is the Latin word for "House"?
Hello Students! How are you?
Salve Discipuli, Quid Agis?
My father is a man
Meum pater est vir
What is the latin word for something you read?
Liber (book)
Where is there a fenestra in our classroom?
Various answers
Is this command speaking to 1 person or more than one person?
1 person
I am doing great. How are you?
Sum Optime. Quid Agis?
My brother is a boy
Meum frater est puer
Do you put your food on the mensa or sella?
What is the Latin word for where you hang a painting in your house?
Mrs. Caffey, stand up
Mrs. Caffey, Surge
What is your name?
Quid est tuum praenomen?
What is your sister's name?
Quid est tuum soror praenomen?
Should you sit on the mensa or sella?
My house is great!
Meum casa est optime!
Autumn, sit.
Autumn, sede
Hello, My name is _________. What is your name?
Salve, Meum praenomen est _____. Quid est tuum praenomen?
Your Mother is a woman
Tuum mater est femina
What Latin word does the English word "Library" come from?
What is the Latin word for what you walk through to enter your house?
Porta (door)
(speaking to the class):