The god of the sky.
Who is Zeus?
roman stadium used for chariot racing
What is the circus maximus?
to hear
what is audio?
word for doctor
What is medicus?
an eye for an eye
what is quid pro quo?
Temple of Athena.
What is the Parthenon?
emperor who completed the colosseum.
who was Titus?
to lie down
what is iaceo?
the meaning of the suffix of anatomy
what is the surgical operation of?
sic semper tyrannis
what is the motto of Virginia?
cataclysmic event present in both the bible and Greek mythology.
What is the flood?
dressing room in roman baths.
what was the apodyterium?
to hope and to breath
what is spero and spiro?
the color of chlorophyll
what is green?
seize the day
What is carpe diem?
Day of the week named after a roman god.
What is Saturday after Saturn?
plebian wedding
what is usus?
synonym of timeo
what is metuo?
right arm
what is bracchium dexter?
the motto of Colorado
What is Nil Sine Numine?
roman goddess who is also the name of a margarine brand.
who is flora?
the sequential order of public offices held by aspiring politicians
what is cursus honorum?
antonym of dexter
what is sinister?
Word for surgeon
what is chirurgus?
In Lumine Tuo Videbimis Lumen
what is the motto of Columbia?