What does logos mean?
word, study
What is the Latin word for join, unit, or connect?
Jungo, Junctum
What is a derivative for the Latin word verbum?
Verb, proverb, verbatim, verbalize
What does the Greek word photos mean?
What is the Greek word for fear?
What does pono or positum mean?
lay, put, place
What is the Latin word for arm?
What is a derivative for the Greek word logos?
Logic, geology, astrology, biology
What does the Greek word metron mean?
What is the Greek word for far away or distant?
What does nomen or nominis mean?
What is the Latin word for tooth or teeth?
Dens, dentis
What is a derivative for the Latin word jacio or jactum?
Eject, interject, object, objection
What does the Greek word graph mean?
write or draw
What is the Greek word for turning?
What does ad mean?
to, toward, near, next to
What is the Latin word for fix, fasten, attach?
Figo, fixum
What is a derivative for the Latin word manus?
manuscript, manicotti, manufacture
What does the Greek word phone mean?
What is the Latin word for see?
Video, visum
What does caput or capitis mean?
What is the Latin word for before, in front of?
What is a derivative for the Latin word digitus?
digit, digital computer
What does the Greek word syn mean?
with or together
What is the Greek word for see, look, consider, examine?