Fertility & Mortality
Demographics & Geography
Latino Political Perception
Immigrant rights movement
Latinos had 7.33 births for every one death compared to whites with 1.15 births per one death.
Latinos had ___ births for every one death compared to whites with ____ births per one death.
What 3 types of Latino population existed in 1965?
What is Mexicans, Puerto Rican, and Cuban
What is the Latino Political Perception section about?
National survey of Latinos who are US citizens and their political perceptions
What is one prevalent example of Latinos being politically active?
The contemporary immigration movement
Students who attend schools with others who are of similar race/ethnicity is known as?
1. Youth age structure 2. Relatively high levels of immigration 3. Relatively high rates of fertility. 4. Low level of mortality.
What are the 4 demographic factors that account for the swift growth of the Latino population?
What is one factor that separates whites and latinos significantly?
What is Age, latinos represent the youngest racial group while white are more likely to be older
Which political party does the Latino community feel care about them more?
The democratic party
Who are Dreamers?
youth that migrated as children are called dreamers
President Obama introduced the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA), which means what?
An opportunity that allows them lawful presence in the U.S for two years
Latinos have lower mortality rates and live longer than whites despite being at higher risks of low level education, high poverty rates, high prevalence of dangerous jobs, low levels of the health insurance coverage, and high rates of obestiy and diabetes.
Explain the term "epidemiological paradox"
Is Mexico considered part of North American or South America?
North America
Which three Latino subgroups that disapprove of President Obama performance?
Mexicans (45.4%), US-born Mexicans (37.5%) and South Americans (37.5%)
What is DACA?
legalized and authorized individuals for employment for two years if they came to the US as children.
Portes an Zhou developed the "segmented assimilation perspective" what is it? (3 paths)
second generation youth follow one of three integration paths 1) assimilation into the white middle class. 2)retention of the ethnic group norms. 3) downward assimilation.
3.5 times
The Latino population has increased ___ during the last 30 years.
Who are the four faces on the cover of your book and why are they famous?
Cesar Chavez, Frida Kahlo, Ernesto "Che" Guevara, and Rodolfo Corky Gonzales
Which Latino subgroup strongly perceives that conditions have worsen or remained the same for Latinos?
Naturalized Mexicans
Why did Walkouts start to begin?
to protest the unequal treatment in the education system
Why are Latinos students Struggling to preserve their cultural roots?
School districts and governments across the US have been on a mission to erase Latino history from the educational curriculum.
Latina women have 2.35 births compared to white women with 1.79 births Central and South American women have 3 births.
Latina women have ___ births compared to white women with ___ births. Central and South American women have ___ births.
Why has the Latino population grown so rapidly compared to other segments of the US population?
What is groups young age structure, high fertility, low mortality, and high immigration
What is the main reason why Naturalized Mexicans believe that conditions have worsen or remained the same for Latinos?
Higher susceptibility to deportation.
What major US cities supported the US boycott on immigrant labor?
New York, Las Vegas, Miami, Chicago, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Atlanta, Denver, Phoenix, New Orleans, Milwaukee, and Dallas,
What was the case of Bowie High in El Paso Texas, and what ended up being the outcome?
The superintendent unlawfully removed Latinos from taking the English proficiency at Bowie High School in order for test scores to rise. Most Latino students had credits removed from transcripts so their score would not affect federal funding. Outcome: while the illegal scheme improved Bowie's test scores its dropout rate is one of the highest in the state of Texas.