General Knowledge
Latinx Culture
Latinx Music and dance
Latinx History
Latinx People

This is the second most spoken language in the world, spoken in over 20 countries around the world.

What is Spanish?


This month is dedicated to the celebration of Hispanic achievements and contributions.

What is Hispanic Heritage Month?


The Puerto Rican genre of music that blends reggae and hip hop that was created in the late

What is Reggaetón?


This controversial explorer set off on a voyage to India, but instead landed in the Americas.

Who is Christopher Columbus?


This person is a famous Mexican American journalist and news anchor for television network "Univision?"

Who is Jorge Ramos?


This is a city on the eastern seaboard of the US with the largest Hispanic population

What is New York City?


This day is where people in Mexico celebrate the life of relatives who have passed away.

What is Día de los Muertos/Day of the dead?


This is a very popular genre of music and dance in many countries of Latin America, created in the 1920s and known for being lively and upbeat.

What is Salsa?


These two Nations have occupied one island, the land of the Hispaniola, since 1492

What is The Dominican Republic/Haiti?


The former president Barack Obama presented this person the National Medal of Arts during a 2014 ceremony

Who is Julia Ramos?


This Mexican state is known for its colorful and elaborate Day of the Dead celebrations and

What is Michoacan?


This mythical creature from Mexican folklore is said to have the upper body of a human and
the lower body of a goat and is depicted as mischievous.

What is the Chupacabra?


This traditional Mexican music originated in the state of Jalisco and is famous for several musicians playing the same instrument.

What is Mariachi Music?


The name of the 13-day event where the United States banned flights to Cuba over the fear of a
nuclear war.

What is the Cuban Missile Crisis?


Under President H.W Bush, this person became the first woman and first Hispanic U.S
surgeon general.

Who is Antonia Novello?


This was the official currency of El Salvador which was adopted in 2001 after the country experiences
a severe economic crisis.

What is the U.S Dollar?


The dish made with mashed plantains that is a staple in Puerto Rican cuisine created in the
early 1500s.

What is Mofongo?


This fast-tempo traditional dance originated in the Dominican Republic in the 1800’s and has a two-bar step pattern.

What is Merengue?


This controversial ballot initiative would require individuals to verify their immigration
status before receiving benefits or public services in the state of California.

What is Proposition 187?


This was previously Denver's first Hispanic mayor who was nominated to Secretary of Transportation by President Bill Clinton in 1993.

Who is Federico Pena?


This is the Second Largest Caribbean producer of sugar cane since 1501, one of the most
important crops in the nation.

What is the Dominican Republic?


This Puerto Rican holiday, created in 1885, celebrates the day three wise men gave gifts to Jesus on his birth. It involves parades and gift-giving.

What is What is Día de los Reyes (Three Kings’ Day)?


The name of the traditional Puerto Rican dance created around 1493 that is a blend of African, Spanish, and Caribbean influences.

What is Bomba?


This agreement set between the U.S, Mexico, and Canada established trade-free zones and
lifted tariffs on multiple goods.

What is the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)?


This person was the winner of the 1982 Nobel people Prize in Literature for his novel "One Hundred Years of Solitude"

Who is Gabriel Garcia Marquez?