Political Parties
The Washington Presidency
The Adams Presidency
Challenges for The New Nation
National Finances
The first two political parties in the United States.
What are the Democratic Republicans and the Federalists.
This was an uprising that President Washington himself led the troops to stop.
What is the Whiskey Rebellion
After being pressured by the Federalist party to go to war with France after the XYZ affair, president John Adams decided to do this.
What is remain at peace with France
These were private ships hired by countries to attack their enemies
What are privateers
The national debt of the United States.
What is 52.1 Million dollars.
John Adams and Alexander Hamilton
Who are Federalists
These are actions or decisions that later serve as examples.
What are precedents.
Thomas Jefferson became this when he lost the 1796 Presidential election to John Adams.
What is the Vice President
Washington believed that the best policy for the United States was to do this. It is another word for "not taking sides"
What is remaining neutral.
These are certificates that people buy that promise that the government will buy them back for more money than they were bought for.
What are bonds.
Thomas Jefferson and James Madison
What are Democratic Republicans
These are the reasons why Americans wanted Washington to be the first president.
He was a hero of the revolution and people saw him as an honest leader.
This affair occurred because the French wanted a bribe in order to talk to American Ambassadors.
What is the XYZ affair?
This treaty settled border disputes with Spain
What is Pinckney's Treaty

The man who worked to try to fix the economic challenges of the United States

Who is Alexander Hamilton?

This political party was on the side of big business.
What is the Federalist Party
This was a precedent that George Washington set when he decided to meet with different department heads to advise him.
What is the President's Cabinet
These laws were created in order to protect the United States. In actuality these acts were meant to crush opposition to war with the French.
What are the Alien and Sedition Acts.
This treaty was very unpopular with the American people and led them to violently protest and riot.
What is Jay's Treaty
These were the first two capitals of the United States.
What are New York and Philadelphia
This political party was on the side of farmers.
What is the Democratic-Republican Party
This is what the Judiciary Act of 1789 set up in the United States.
Creating the three levels of federal courts.
These were created by James Madison and Thomas Jefferson in order to get rid of the Alien and Sedition Acts.
What are the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions.
In his farewell address, Washington warned that these may hurt the United States in the future. You might say he didn't want them to crash the party.
What are political parties
The reason why Southern and Northern states could not agree on how to solve the budget problem
The Northern States had more debt from the War than the Southern States.