The Board
Trauma Doc

What alerts populate in the Room column?

What is sepsis and SIRS as critical alerts in red, High utilizer alerts in orange, and Isolation as a Barber bar.


How do you get to the patient's M-pages?

what is to Left click on the patient name or right click in patient info column and click Nurse view.


Where do we access trauma Documentation?

What is Right clicking PT info column and select trauma documentation, or the trauma documentation tab in menu tab on left within patient chart


Where do we find and document the triage form?

Where is in the Nurse Activities "Tasks" column.


Where do we find and document the ED Assessment

Where is in the Nurse Activities "Tasks" column.


Which comments transition into the "tracking board" so other departments can see them?

what is staff comments.


What are 3 items that can be reviewed within M-pages?

what is triage, vital signs, PT hx, problem list, home and ordered medications, visits list, clinical documents, Immunizations, labs, diagnostics, outstanding orders,  I&O, IV stop times, Implant hx, allergies


What are the 3 different surveys to be documented?

what is the Pre-Hospital, Primary, and Secondary Survey.


What is a New Hard stop in Triage

What is the Fall Risk Assessment


What is different in our new ED Assessment?

What is we are only documenting the General Information.


What does the red halo around the heart and bars in the VS, and activities columns?

What is Overdue.

How do you document vital signs within M-pages?

what is under the VS section to click the + tab to open up the interactive I&O, or the drop down arrow to document the VS and pain powerform.


What can we document with the tabs on the far right of the Trauma documentation screen?

What is Orders, Interventions, Body Map, Consults, Patient movement, Attendence, and launch note to sign.


What is the purpose of the Kinder1 Fall assessment?

What is a a specifically designed Fall assessment for Emergency department patients designed by ED nursing to more accurately and quickly identify High Fall risk Patients.


What are the hard stops in the ED Assessment form?

What is Domestic concerns, Infectious diseases, Home Medications, and Social Hx.


What populates if you Left click within the box of a patient in the patient information column?

What is the Patient summary window. 

Allows to quickly visualize triage info, alerts, PT Hx.  Can also access tasks and activities.


What is an important feature to double check within the home medications tab in the M-pages?

what is the documentation of Medication history. Can reconcile here if missed in assessment. Blue Explanation mark turns into a green check mark.


What is the purpose of the Body Map?

what is to quickly document a visualization of wounds. Of note this does not transition into a skin assessment.


What is the Purpose of the Humpty Dumpty Fall risk Assessment?

What is to more accurately identify pediatric high fall risk patients with a globally leading scoring system.


How do we document Home Medications?

What is to open Documentation medication by Hx then Add, External Rx history, or under Medication History (No Known Home medications, Unable to Obtain, or Use Last Compliance)


What is the purpose of the nurse activities column?

What is to provide "tasks" to help staff complete necessary care. 

Examples: Triage, Assessment, medications, labs, Fall risk interventions, IV insertion, Breathalyzer, FSBG, DME.


Where within the M-pages can we place new orders?

What is in the the New Order Entry, and the Nursing Emergency Orders


What are some common Interventions we can document in the trauma Documentation

What is peripheral IVs, Bladder Scan, Urinary Catheter, C-collar, Backboard, Orthopedic treatments, ET tube, GI tubes.

                         Daily Double

What type of assessments and interventions can be documented in the triage form?


what is GCS, Level of consciousness, Orientation, and Skin.


What is pre-arrival and triage treatments such as medications, Ice, Splints, dressing, and IV fluid status.


In what location do we document our Physical Exam?

What is the Interactive View/I&O and ED Adult Systems Assessment.