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His early approach to career development utilized "true reasoning"
Who is Frank Parsons?
This type of person has mechanical abilities and prefers ordered, systematic activities. May be a farmer or electrician.
What is Realistic?
According to Williamson, four presenting problems in career counseling are a) no choice b) uncertain choice c) unwise choice and d) THIS.
What is a discrepancy between interests and aptitudes?
These report the number of items chosen or correct in a given category.
What are raw scores?
According to the ASCA National Standards, this is the major theme of career development at the elementary school level.
What is awareness?
His life-span life-space theory evolved over 40 years.
Who is Donald Super?
This type of person has interpersonal skills and prefers activities that inform or enlighten others. May be a teacher or therapist.
What is Social?
According to Gottfredson, children ages 9 to 13 establish this lower limit of occupations they are willing to consider, based on social class and ability.
What is the tolerable-level boundary?
This construct determines if an instrument measures what it is supposed to measure.
What is Validity?
Students at this level tend to be able to identify their strengths and weaknesses and have a growing understanding of the world-of-work.
What is middle school?
Her theory describes how children and adolescents rule out career choices.
Who is Linda Gottfredson?
The degree of relatedness within types. For example, types located next to each other on the hexagon have more similarities.
What is consistency?
In Krumboltz's LTCC, this concept helps clients to acknowledge and exploit chance encounters, that are both inevitable and desirable.
What is planned happenstance?
These types of instruments have not been subjected to scientific rigor, are not supported by data, and offer no standard interpretation of results.
What are informal assessments?
In Marcia's taxonomy, this person is engaged in an active struggle to clarify personally meaningful values, goals, and beliefs, therefore commitment has been put "on hold".
What is moratorium?
His Learning Theory of Career Counseling is based on Bandura's social learning theory.
Who is John Krumboltz?
The degree of fit between an individual's personality type and work environment.
What is congruence?
In the CASVE cycle of career decision-making, the V stands for this.
What is Valuing?
These instruments have no wrong answers and identify personal characteristics such as interests, skills, and work values.
What are inventories?
In Marcia's taxonomy, this person has yet to experience identity crisis or exploration, but has prematurely committed to an occupation and a set of goals, values, and beliefs.
What is foreclosed?
His constructivist theory looks at careers as meaning-making processes that create life themes.
Who is Mark Savickas?
The degree that one type dominates an individual's personality and has little resemblance to other types.
What is differentiation?
Metacognitive skills such as self-talk, self-awareness, and control, are a function of this domain in the Cognitive Information Processing Approach (CIP).
What is the executive processing domain?
These indicate a point or range on a normal distribution where the examinee's score falls compared with the scores of those in the norm group.
What are percentile scores?
Career assistance in Higher education was traditionally focused on this.
What is job placement?