School Counseling
Associated with the genesis of career counseling and the trait and factor theory
Who is Frank Parsons?
Theory that builds upon the assumptions that cognitive factors play a role in career development and choices
What is social cognitive career theory ?
Game, career fantasy, and card sort
What are examples of informal assessments?
Developed to address the growing need for standardization in school counseling programs
What is the National Standards
Occurs only in instances in which there are competing "rights" or there is a struggle to determine the "least bad" course of action
What is an ethical dilema?
The name of the first counseling-related professional association
What is The National Vocational Guidance Association?
Developed the theory based on six personality types and fitting these to corresponding occupations
Who is John Holland?
Assessment that measures interests in eight different areas and connects with the Holland code
What is the Strong Interest Inventory?
A clearly defined component of a plan for career development services in schools; assists in the marketing of the program
What is objectives?
Autonomy, Nonmaleficence, Beneficence, Justice and Fidelity
What are the five ethical principles proposed by VanHoose (1986) to guide counseling professionals?
Personnel testing and placement activities were greatly expanded due to this specific time
What is World War II
Theory that encourages clients to understand and take advantage of chance events in daily life, known as "planned happenstance"
What is John Krumboltz's learning theory of career counseling?
Assessment that is designed to identify career beliefs that may be preventing a person from reaching career goals.
What is the Career Beliefs Inventory?
A major goal of career development in the elementary grades
What is self-awareness?
What a career counselor must be vigilant about and focused on when working with clients
What are values?
Shifted the perspective on careers from static to an ongoing process through his Career Pattern Study
Who is Donald Super?
Theory that assumes a connection between mind, body and spirit and acknowledges that multiple aspects of life are interrelated
What is Hansen's integrative life planning theory?
Assessment that measures personality types developed by Jung, yielding a four-letter code that can be related to typical profiles of groups of people.
What is the Myers Briggs Type Indicator?
Enhancing self-understanding; learning how to engage effectively in educational and occupational opportunities; and career planning
What are the goals of career intervention in the middle school years?
Delivering occupational information; providing online searches of occupational databases for the purpose of of identifying occupational options; delivering interactive career counseling and career planning services; providing online job searches
What are the four purposes included in the NCDA guide for the use of the Internet in career counseling?
An area that has been traditionally underrepresented and is drawing more attention in the changing times of career counseling
What is Multicultural competency and counseling diverse populations?
Theory that involves communicating, analyzing, synthesizing, valuing, and execution (CASVE) of a career development plan
What is the Cognitive Information Processing Approach?
Assessment developed by the United States Department of Labor that measures interests and abilities
What is the O*Net Profiler?
A four-part systems approach including awareness programming, self-assessment activities, career exploration exposure, and training in job-search skills.
What is the Powell and Kirts model to career services in higher education?
The most recent revision of the NCDA Code of Ethics
What is 2007?