Specifying Goals and Objectives In Practice
Key Characteristics of All Measures
Types of Measures
Types of Single Subject Designs
Goals that are specific, measureable, achieveable, relevant, and time sensitive.
What is a SMART goal?
The extent to which measures are efficient, cost effective, and accessible to clients.
What is utility?
Using direct observation or self-monitoring to observe and record overt and covert behaviors
What are observational measures?
Most frequently used; non-experimental; should not be used to make causal inferences
What is the B Design?
Preferences about the future; what the client would like to be, do, or prefer to happen when the intervention is done.
What is an ultimate goal?
Whether the measure is measuring what it is supposed to measure as opposed to something else.
What is validity?
Scales that are tailor-made to measure the intensity of the targets presented by clients; uses anchors; may not be the measure of choice when you need very precise information
What are individualized rating scales?
Quasi-experimental design; susceptible to uncontrollable influence of extraneous variables; existence of baseline allows for establishment of relationship between intervention and outcome
What is an AB Design?
Limited or intermediate versions of the ultimate goal; what will your client think, feel, or do when the problem is no longer in existence.
What is an objective?
The degree to which a research instrument produces consistent results; are the results repeatable?
What is reliability?
Structured diaries kept by the client of events that are relevant to the target; the client's perception of the event/situation
What are client logs?
Sometimes, the individual's behavior is so severe that you can't start with a baseline and must start with an intervention
What is an BAB Design?
The specific object of intervention that is relevant in a given situation. Specification of this leads to then later specifying goals and objectives in practice.
What is a target?
Other explanations for a score or alternative explanations; either random or systematic
What is measurement error?
A measure that involves the administration of the same scale items (or other stimuli such as statements) to different people using the same administration and scoring procedures
What are standardized measures?
Baseline, Intervention, Withdrawal Phase; causality can be determined but threats to internal validity
What is an ABA Design?
The process of specifying what we mean by a term; it is the process of finding general behavior patterns among the bits and pieces of specific situations in everyday life. (Hint: leads to conceptual definitions)
What is conceptualization?
Measures are to the point/easy to understand, able to not bring about a reaction by the client, and adaptable to change
What is directness, non-reactivity, and sensitivity to change?
True experimental design, allows for causal inference; allows for evaluation across clients, situations, or problems
What are Multiple Baseline Designs?