Lauren's favorite color
What is purple?
The sport that Nick played growing up
What is Football?
Lauren's favorite ✨position✨.
What is the Bridge?
Lauren has woken up one day as an animal. This is the animal that she will now live her life as.
What is a penguin?
If Lauren was a pizza topping, this is what she would be.
What is Cheese?
Lauren's favorite subject in high school
What is History?
Lauren's pet name for nick (hint: rated PG)
Lauren's LEAST favorite ✨position✨.
Lauren is now a super hero and she is saving the world, being hot and benevolent, etc. This is her super power.
What is having the ability to speak every language
Lauren's favorite smell.
What are Cinnamon rolls cooking?
Lauren's go-to drink order in college
What is a Vodka Sprite?
Lauren's favorite thing about Nick
What are Nick's cooking skills?
What is in her grandmothers house next to her baby photos? (when she was staying there for her other grandmother's funeral)
Lauren is a crazy conspiracy theorist who is hiding in the basement with a tin foil hat. This is the conspiracy she believes that has driven her to madness.
What is the conspiracy that Delaware is not a state?
What is moving out of the South?
Lauren's celebrity crush (hint: animated)
What is Flynn Ryder?
The couple has their first kiss during this date (number).
What is the 3rd date?
Lauren's Rice Purity Score.
What is 44?
Lauren has awoken one day to find that she is now a boy. What is the first thing that she does as a member of the opposite gender?
What is bounce up and down to see if her balls feel heavy?
What is having a cool Law named after her? (Like the Smoot-Hawley tariffs but something good)
Lauren's favorite restaurant in DC
What is La Chaumiere?
One thing about Nick that slightly annoys Lauren.
What is the fact that he doesn’t know the difference between when to use “gone” and “went”?
Lauren's fantasy and something that she hasn't done before.
What is doing the dirty tango outside?
In this scenarios, every week of your life, a gorilla randomly spawns and tries to kill you. If he successfully kills you, then you just respawn the next day and he'll be back again the next week. The only way to defeat the gorilla is using hand-to-hand combat (and maybe whatever hand-held resources are immediately around), and if you kill him, then he will never respawn again. How many weeks, if at all, would it take Lauren to defeat the gorilla?
What is zero weeks?
The celebrity that Lauren would most like to grab a drink and gossip with.
Who is Dua Lipa?