My favorite color
What is light blue?
The amount of surgeries I have had (this means I have been put under)
What is 3?
The location I broke my tooth
Where is Dr. Fivenson's office?
The year I graduated
When is 2020?
After some green tea shots and pain killers, and cheered on by some frat bros
What is puked on the Las Vegas Strip
What is sushi?
My most expensive gift I have received (well I will)
What is a wedding?
Where I broke my foot
What is the Metropark?
Mine and Zach's dating anniversary
When is November 7, 2020?
"Dad, idk what happened, I was driving and had to swerve on the shoulder and ran something over, I think my tires blew up"
My favorite alcohol in a can
What is High Noons?
The factor I have
What is 5?
My SAT score
What is 950!!!!!!!
The year I started college
When is 2019?
"Yeah I stopped on the side of 75 to check because I thought my tires were low, then my car started driving funny"
What is the pcm blew (this is also $$$)
My favorite singer
Who is Tyler Childers?
The total amount of my mouth
What is $20,000?
The only class I had to take twice in college (almost 3 times) ;)
What is Chemistry
The year I started driving
When is 2018?
"Krisit! Krisit! *hand emoji* *walking angry emoji* "Mom I am scared they are saying I need a cast"
What is mom waking in a sushi scrub cap to beat up some Henry Ford nurses
The time I was born
When is 4:29 am?
The amount of times I have been to urgent care/emergency room
What is 4?
The state that I did not realize, is actually, connected to the United States :)
What is Alaska?
The year your lives became complete
When is 2002?
What is, how tf do I put this, passing out in the bathroom?