Why do we celebrate christmas
beacuse of jesus
Where is Ronaldo from
What is the rock normal name + (surname)
Dwayne Johnson
what star is closest to the earth
What is the biggest animal on earth
Blue whale
Who wrote ternet ninja
Anders Matthesen
What country is Maradona from
what color does nemo have in the finding nemo
he has orange
What planet do we have plans to go to
What is the fastest animal on the world
it is a peregrine falcon and it can fly up to 322 kilometers per hour
what is 11*35
What year did Denmark win euro
When was finding nemo made
Who was the first human on the moon
Neil armstrong
What is the most ugly animal on the earth
blob fish
When was lego made?
Who won the puskas 2014
James Rodriguez
what is the movie alien about?
it,s about an evil alien/xenomorph that has snuck on to a spaceship with humans on it.
What is the biggest black hole
Ton 618
how fast is a blue whale
50 kmh (31)
What is the heaviest dinosaur
Argentinosaurus huinculensis
Who won the 1998 world cup?
Who has the most movie roles in hollywood
Eric Roberts
How hot is the sun
15 millon degrees hot
What is the oldest animal on earth
Glass sponges they can be up to 15,000 years old