what is the specific type of maintenance that may be performed by the holder of a private pilot certificate on his or her own aircraft, provided it is not used for hire
Preventative maintenance
If you are 45 years old, how long will a third class certificate be valid
24th month after the month of the examination date
What is the minimum safe altitude over congested areas
1,000 ft
ARROW (required documents)
A - Airworthiness Certificate
R - Radio Station License
R - Registration Certificate
O - Operation Limitations
W - Weight and Balance
What is the size of the mode C veil around Class B airspace?
each person who maintains, performs preventive maintenance, rebuilds, or alters an aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part shall make an entry in the maintenance record of that equipment containing the following information:
1) A description of work performed. (2) The date of completion of the work performed. (3) The name of the person performing the work (4) If the work performed on the aircraft, airframe, aircraft engine, propeller, appliance, or component part has been performed satisfactorily, the signature, certificate number, and kind of certificate held by the person approving the work. The signature constitutes the approval for return to service only for the work performed.
Name the airplane class ratings that are placed on a pilot certificate.
1.) Single engine land 2.) Multiengine land 3.) Single engine sea 4.) Multiengine sea
Unless otherwise authorized by the Administrator, no person may operate an aircraft below 10,000 feet MSL at an indicated airspeed of more than
250 kts
P - Pilot
A - Aircraft
V - Environment
E - External Pressures
What are the typical dimensions of Class D airspace?
4nm, 2,500 ft top
In addition to the maintenance log book entry, what additional record entry or change should be completed following the permanent installation (or removal) of a substantial item of equipment from an aircraft
Changes to the weight and balance
Requirement for certificates, ratings, and authorizations is found in what section?
Basic VFR weather minimums are found in what section
SAFETY (passenger briefing)
S - Seat Belts
A - Air Ventilation
F - Fire Extinguisher
T - Talking\traffic (no talking in critical phases)
E - Emergency Procedure
Y- your questions
You are flying toward a Class D airport and call ATC: "Tower, Cherokee 15824, 10 miles west, inbound for landing." ATC responds: "Cherokee , standby." Are you allowed to enter the airspace?
No, you haven't established 2 way communications
Name the methods used to deter or prevent a life-limited (condemned) aircraft part from being reinstalled in an airworthy aircraft
1.) Record keeping system 2.) Tag or record attached to part 3.) Non-permanent marking 4.) Permanent marking 5.) Segregation 6.) Mutilation 7.) Other method approved by the FAA
Information regarding Logbooks is found in what section
What section has to do with preflight action
A Tomato Flames is found in what Part of the FAR?
Pilot flying over a national wildlife refuge are requested to fly no lower than?
2,000 ft AGL
You have made some major changes to the Cherokee and the FAA has now issued it an experimental certificate. Does part 43 still apply
Yes, because has been previously issued a different kind of airworthiness certificate.
Prerequisites and passing grades for knowledge tests are found in what section
ATC Light signals are found in what section?
AV1ATE (and how often)
A - Annual Check (12 Calender Months) V - VORs (30 Calender Days) 1 - 100 Hour Check (100 Hours) A - Altimeter / Pitot Static (24 Calender Months) T - Transponder (24 Calender Months) E - Emergency Location Transmitter (12 Calender Months or 1/2 Battery or 1 Hour of Cumulative Use)
Operations in Class Bravo airspace are found in what section