I am the name of the writ ordering a court to stop doing something.
What is a writ of prohibition?
I am a promise that a proposition of fact is true. I may be express or implied, and you can find me in the UCC with respect to merchantability & fitness for a particular purpose.
What is a warranty?
You have to abide by me if you’re selling land. You can’t just orally agree with your neighbor to sell her a tract of land and expect a binding contract.
What is the Statute of Frauds?
Intentional tort where a defendant's acts intentionally cause a victim's reasonable apprehension of immediate harmful or offensive contact.
What is assault?
I am your new law school dean.
What is Stacy L. Leeds?
A court should grant me when the undisputed material facts demonstrate as a matter of law that one party wins.
What is a motion for summary judgment?
I am Mary Beth Matthews’ husband. Also the name of a popular band.
Who is David (Dave) Matthews?
A title that a reasonable, prudent purchaser, willing to purchase, would accept from the willing seller.
What is marketable title?
Direct restraint of one person of the physical liberty of another without adequate legal justification.
What is false imprisonment?
The year the law school was established.
What is 1924?
Concept that a jury can go back into the jury room and decide an outcome contrary to the law. For example, the jury might be convinced that a plaintiff carried her burden of proof on all elements of her case, but the jury decides to find the defendant not guilty out of sympathy for the defendant.
What is jury nullification?
The unfair persuasion of a party who is under the domination of the other party or is within a fiduciary relationship with the other party. If I’m present, the contract is voidable.
What is duress or undue influence?
The name for the succession of one’s estate in the absence of a will.
What is intestate succession?
An intentional exercise of dominion or control over a chattel which so seriously interferes with the right of another to control it that the actor may justly be required to pay the other the full value of the chattel.
What is conversion?
The dean who established the law school. He graduated at the top of his class from the University of Chicago School of Law. There's a hall at the school which carries his namesake.
Who is Dean Julian Waterman?
I am the name of a challenge an attorney may make during voir dire, and the attorney does not have to specify a reason for invoking me, so long as I don't violate the Constitution.
What is a peremptory challenge?
The term used to describe disaffirmance of a contract.
What is rescission?
In the event of foreclosure, I provide the debtor with a one year period, after a judicial sale, to regain possession of the foreclosed property by paying the price the land sold for at the judicial sale.
What is the statutory right of redemption?
The four elements of a negligence claim. Here's an acronym to help: DBCD.
What are duty, breach, causation, and damages?
The names of two faculty members in the 1970s who went on to have careers in Washington, D.C. One is now serving in President Obama's cabinet.
Who are Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Under FRCP 37, I am the thing a judge might award in a civil case when an attorney fails to respond to legitimate discovery requests.
What are sanctions?
Remedy where the party liable for breach of contract is ordered to carry out his contract promise(s). Typically, money damages are favored over this remedy.
What is specific performance?
The three types of recording statutes.
What are race, notice, and notice-race?
I obey all laws and ordinances. I always consider my surroundings before acting, and when I have superior knowledge, I use it. People always talk about me in negligence cases.
Who is the reasonable prudent person?
One of the Six Pioneers, who became the first black student to attend a major Southern public university in modern times when he was admitted to the School of Law in 1948.
Who is Silas Hunt?