Hall Monitor
Behind Schedule
Bad Form
Cutting Class
Training Day
After Hours
I Can't Recall

These healthcare practitioners only have "dependent" prescriptive authority; name at least one

Physicians Assistants (PAs) or Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs)


If a supplier cannot provide the entire quantity of a CII controlled substance that’s been ordered, the remaining quantity must be sent within what period of time

60 days


If you lose or have medications stolen from your pharmacy, you should fill out this form

DEA Form 106


A nonresident pharmacy falls into this class

Class E


Pharmacy technician trainee registration is non-renewable and valid for this period of time

2 years

To become an authorized Nuclear Pharmacist, applicants must complete at least how many hours in a structured education program


700 hours = 200 hours didactic training, 500 hours supervised experience 



For this class of recall, a drug product is unlikely to cause any adverse health consequence

Class III


A patient must be this old to purchase OTC products containing dextromethorphan

18 years of age


Of all the pieces of information on a CII prescription, this is the one piece (according to TSBP) that cannot be changed by a pharmacist

Name of patient


If you are a manufacturer or drug distributor completing your initial DEA registration, you should fill out this form

DEA Form 225


A community pharmacy falls into this class

Class A


Pharmacy technicians must complete this many hours of CE per registration cycle

20 hours (including 1 hours of TX law)


If you fail the NAPLEX, you must wait this long before retaking

45 days (it’s 30 days for the MPJE)


In 2020 and again in 2022, this common glucose-lowering medication was recalled when an organic compound linked to cancer was found in tablets

Metformin (Glucophage)


According to the TX Board of Pharmacy, a Class A pharmacy must conduct an inventory of controlled substances this often

Annually (once every 12 months)


A perpetual inventory of all controlled substances should be maintained in this type of pharmacy location

Remote pharmacy locations


If you are a hospital or clinic renewing your DEA registration, you should fill out this form

DEA Form 224a (“a” = renewal)


A Central Prescription Drug Order Processing Facility falls into this class

Class G


In a typical Class A pharmacy, one pharmacist may supervise this many technicians and technician trainees

6 (max ratio 1:6), no ratio in Class C / Class G pharmacies


In the state of TX, pharmacy interns must have this many hours at graduation to take their licensing exams

1500 hours


For this class of recall there is a reasonable probability that a product could cause serious adverse effects or death

Class I


Only this class of TX pharmacy may be in possession of prescription drug samples

Class D pharmacy owned by a charitable organization


When issued in writing, a CII prescription must be issued on this

TX Official Prescription Form (and must be signed by practitioner)


If you are a narcotic treatment program completing your initial DEA registration, you should fill out this form

 DEA Form 363


An institutional pharmacy falls into this class

Class C


In facilities with at least this many beds, technicians may compound sterile products, prepare unit-dose packages, distribute routine orders for stock supplies, and enter medication orders

101 beds


Pharmacists must complete this many CE hours per registration cycle to maintain their license

30 CE hours every 2 years


In spring 2020, this popular OTC antacid was pulled from shelves due to concerns about impurities and potential contamination

Ranitidine (Zantac)


Nursing home patients prescribed estrogen must receive a copy of the patient package insert how frequently

Prior to receiving the first dose and every 30 days thereafter


Schedule II prescriptions can be refilled this many times

NONE (by law, they may cannot be refilled)


If you plan on destroying any controlled substances from your pharmacy, you should fill out this form


DEA Form 41 



A clinic pharmacy falls into this class

Class D


Pharmacy technicians and trainees compounding sterile preparations must complete how many hours of instruction through an ACPE-approved course or a training program

40 hours


A pharmacist’s continuing education records must be maintained for how long

3 years (though most other records are kept for 2 years)


For this class of recall, a product may cause temporary or reversible effects, but the probability of serious adverse effects is remote

Class II


A pharmacy must transmit information related to the dispensing of a controlled substance to the TX Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP) within this period of time

No later than the next business day after the date the prescription was completely filled


Under TX law, a prescription for a CII substance must be filled within this time period

30 days after the date issued (or date authorized by prescriber)


If you plan on purchasing, distributing, or transferring controlled substances, you should fill out this form

DEA Form 222


A nuclear pharmacy falls into this class

Class B


A pharmacy intern designation expires if they fail to take the NAPLEX/MPJE within this period of time

Within 6 months of graduation


Once they’ve completed the required training, a “Qualified Practitioner” (or DATA-waived) in an opioid dependence program may treat up to this many patients

275 patients (they may also treat 30 or 100 patients)


This government agency helps to supervise a manufacturer’s recall strategy and ensure it is handled appropriately

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)


Due their risk of diversion and abuse, this type of prescription is strictly limited to a 10-day supply

Prescriptions for opioids for acute pain


In the event of an emergency telephone prescription for a controlled substance, a prescriber must provide the pharmacy with a valid electronic prescription within this time period

7 days


If you are retail pharmacy completing your initial DEA registration, you should fill out this form

DEA Form 224 (no "a" since it's not a renewal)


A Freestanding Emergency Medical Care Facility falls into this class

Class F


Technicians and interns should know that this is the daily sales purchase limit (in grams per day) for pseudoephedrine products

3.6 grams of base product


According to TX rules, if you fail the NAPLEX or MPJE, you may retake it this many times before additional coursework is required

4 additional times (5 total)


In Fall 2021, Pfizer voluntarily recalled all lots of this popular smoking cessation medication

Varenicline (Chantix)