Free Appropriate Public Education
Principle that says a student should be separated from the general education classroom only when the severity of the disability is such that they can't receive appropriate education in that environment
Least Restrictive Environment (LRE)
This Act made it so identification, FAPE, due process, parent/guardian surrogate consultation, LRE, and nondiscriminatory evaluation were all put into practice.
Employment, public entities, public accommodations and facilities, and telecommunications would all be provided and be made accessible to all
Americans with Disabilities Act
Individual Education Plan
principle that requires a plan be developed and implemented to meet the unique needs of a student with disabilities - it specifies the child’s present levels, identifies measurable annual goals, and describes the specific special education and related services
Individualized Education Plan (IEP)
This law brought about the use of assistive technology, alternative assessment plans, IEP teams, and it encouraged getting more necessary data to help a student
Every Student Succeeds Act
"First Chance Network" which brought experimental programs for preschool-aged children with learning disabilities
Handicapped Children’s Early Assistance Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Principle that guarantees children with disabilities the right to a free, public education that meets their particular needs
Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE)
This act gave civil rights to individuals with disabilities so they couldn't be discriminated against, made life more accessible
Americans with Disabilities Act
Provided money to states and local districts for developing programs for children with disabilities and economic disadvantages
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Every Student Succeeds Act
Principle that states that parents must be involved in the child's learning so that they know what is going on in their child's education and so they can help at home
Parent Participation
This law made it so it cannot exclude anyone on the basis of disability alone from ANY program or activity receiving federal funds
Rehabilitation Act
Ended segregation and opened the door for all students to have the right to be educated in the same setting
Brown V. Board of Education
Elementary and Secondary Education Act
Principle that ensures a student is receiving appropriate assessments and is not being tested on things that are obviously outside of their abilities
Appropriate Evaluation
Education for All Handicapped Children Act
Required highly qualified teachers for all students, schools had to make Annual Yearly Process (AYP) using scientific research-based instruction/curriculum, wanted all children proficient in all subject matters by 2014
No Child Left Behind