About how much of the earth's atmosphere layers mass is located in the troposphere
75 percent
What does the temperature do in the mesosphere the higher the altitude?
gets colder
What gas is located in the stratosphere that protects us from deadly UV waves from the sun?
Ozone O3
What are man made structures that orbit in the exosphere?
Satellites. Because it is the outermost layer of Earth's atmosphere, where the air is extremely thin, causing minimal air resistance, allowing satellites to orbit freely with little friction and maintain their position easily
I am the lowest layer of the atmosphere. I contain the vast majority of mass in the atmosphere and my prefix means to change (like the weather)
trope means to change
What are the two main gasses found in the troposphere and their percentages?
Nitrogen 78 percent
Oxygen - 21 percent
Why is the mesosphere the coldest layer of the atmosphere?
There are very few molecules of air in the mesosphere, and as a result nothing to absorb the Sun's energy.
What does the root word strato mean?
Layered. The stratosphere layers directly above the troposphere.
The thermosphere is the layer of the atmosphere with the highest temperatures. Why is this so?
The thermosphere directly absorbs the majority of the Sun's high-energy radiation.
I am the highest layer in the atmosphere. I have no definite boundaries, and am often considered to be part of outer space and I am the home for most satellites.
What is found only in the troposphere and gives us wind, rain, storms, clouds?
the weather
Despite not having very many air molecules and very cold, explain how the mesosphere is able to break up meteoroids before they reach Earth.
They are able to break up the meteoroids as a result of friction, a force which heats the meteoroids to the point that they catch fire and break apart.
Describe what happens to the temperature of the stratosphere as you gain altitude (elevation)
Temperatures rise as you go upwards in the stratosphere. The higher from Earth, the more ultraviolet light is absorbed, resulting in higher temperatures.
What is unique about the oxygen and nitrogen found in the thermosphere?
They are atomic meaning they are singular Atoms and are deadly because they can corrode anything.
What is the thinnest and thickest layer of the atmosphere layers?
Thermosphere thickest
exosphere - thinnest
As you rise up in the Troposphere, explain what happens to the temperature.
The temperature decreases.
For every kilometer, the temperature of the troposphere drops around 6 degrees Celsius.
What does the root word meso mean?
Explain why airplanes benefit from flying in the stratosphere vs. the thermosphere.
There is less friction, as the air is thinner. As a result, they are able to fly faster using less fuel. They are also above the weather and storms.
What are the 2 main gases in the exosphere?
Hydrogen and Helium
I contain a high concentration of O3. . Humans thank me when they are sun bathing on the beach.
The stratosphere and Ozone
How does the troposphere compare to the other layers in thickness?
It is the thinnest layer.
below - stratosphere
above - thermosphere
Describe the Greenhouse Effect in detail, and explain how the Stratosphere plays a pivotal role in this process.
The Greenhouse Effect limits the amount of the Sun's energy than enters and is released from Earth. As a result, the Earth's surface temperature is regulated and does not become too hot or too cold. The Stratosphere is important because it contains the Ozone layer, which is a thin layer of a gas (ozone) that absorbs much of the Sun's UV rays.
Why is the thermosphere important to radio communication?
It contains a layer of charged particles called the ionosphere, which is capable of bouncing back radio waves.
I am the third layer of the atmosphere from the ground. I am the coldest layer, because I have so few air particles to absorb energy.
The mesosphere.