These are the number one selling Girl Scout cookies in the United States.
What are Thin Mints?
Number of cookies that are sugar free.
What are none?
This year's cookie program theme.
What is We've Got This?
This cookie is inspired by the campfire favorite that was first found in a Girl Scout cookbook.
What is a Girl Scout S'More?
This cookie is made with homemade caramel, cooked to a rich creamy consistency, and a special toasted flaked coconut coating.
What is a Samoa?
Average number of boxes of cookies sold by an individual Girl Scout in the Heart of Michigan Council.
What is 150 boxes?
The price of a regular AND specialty box of Girl Scout Cookies.
What is $5 and $6?
The first known troop to sell cookies as a way to finance Girl Scout activities.
What is the The Mistletoe Troop in 1917?
Newest Girl Scout Cookie from LBB.
What is a Lemon-Up?
These are the top three selling Girl Scout Cookies at LBB (in order).
What are Thin Mints, Samoas, and Tagalongs?
Over the years, cookie varieties have come and gone in response to changing consumer tastes. However, this cookie has been around from the early days.
What are Trefoils?
This kind of cookie is the sandwich part of the peanut butter filled Do-Si-Dos.
What is oatmeal?
Newest and most innovative way to sell cookies.
What is a virtual cookie booth?
The three additional ways that you can keep selling after initial sales end.
What are Goal Getters, Digital Cookie and Cookie Booths?
This cookie is the only gluten free cookie offered by LBB.
What is a Toffee-Tastic?
The 2 types of cookies that contain peanut butter.
What are Tagalongs and Do-Si-Dos?
During peak baking times, the amount of Thin Mints produced each day.
What is 4.9 million?