History had its eyes on THIS man as he charged Fort Duquesne in the Ohio River Valley. Even though he led his men straight into a massacre, he'd eventually be known as our First Commander-in-Chief.
Who is George Washington?
Alexander Hamilton was involved in a strange Love Triangle with these two Schuyler Sisters?
Who are Eliza and Angelica Schuyler?
According to Jefferson and the Declaration Committee, we hold THIS truth to be self-evident.
What is "All men are created equal"?
Let me tell you something, brother! On the debut episode of WWE Raw on Netflix, this famous wrestler from the 1990s came out in his trademark Yellow and Red costume, and was promptly booed by the fans for trying to sell them his promotional beer.
Who is Hulk Hogan?
In the Americas, the Seven Years' War was known by THIS name due to whom the colonists mostly found themselves fighting.
What is the French and Indian War?
Alexander Hamilton was THIS when he arrived as an immigrant to New York, because his father left when he was young, and his mother died when he was 13.
What is an orphan?
According to the Declaration, King George rendered the Military "independent of and superior to" THIS.
What is Civil Power?
What are Helium and Hydrogen?
Because one King in Austria tried to take over another King in Prussia's throne, the whole of Europe took sides and fought the War of Austrian Succession, which ended without France or England claiming victory. A THIS type of cause for the Seven Years' War. Complex!
What is Convoluted?
Alexander Hamilton became this man's "Right Hand Man" after Washington was forced to flee New York and take the war into Pennsylvania and New Jersey.
Who is George Washington?
If "All men are created equal" they are "endowed by their Creator" with THESE 3 Rights.
What are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness?
When he saw the Trinity Test's successful detonation of a nuclear weapon for the first time, THIS man quoted the Bhagavad-Gita (Hindu Scriptures), "Now I am become death, destroyer of worlds."
Who is Oppenheimer?
The French lost control of Fort after Fort in a domino effect, and finally losing THESE two great cities, still in Canada's French province today, signified a French Defeat in the Americas.
What are Quebec and Montreal?
Alexander Hamilton sings about being in the Eye of a Hurricane, as he awaited his political rivals besmirching his name. Instead, he publishes THIS, a confession of having an extra-marital affair and paying for it.
What is the Reynold's Pamphlet?
THIS first man to sign the Declaration of Independence, did so with such large letters so "Fat George can read it without putting on his glasses."
Who is John Hancock?
THIS extinct bird's name became synonymous with 'stupidity' due to their ignorance of humans and willingness to approach us and even walk into our traps. It wasn't stupidity, however, just the fact they were an apex predator that had never encountered humans before.
What is the Dodo?
Great Britain went bankrupt in fighting and winning the Seven Years' War, which led them to begin installing and raising THESE upon their citizens across the Empire, leading to the American Revolution.
What are Taxes?
Though we never see this character, he was Alexander Hamilton's major rival in the Federalist Party, firing him as Secretary of the Treasury as soon as he became President.
Who is John Adams?
To support the Declaration, its signers affirmed they would pledge what three things.
In THIS process, the DNA of a species is introduced into the fertilized egg of a similar species, allowing us to reintroduce species long since gone.
What is the De-Extinciton Process?