Just Serve
Community Outreach
Stake Stuff
What's in a Name?

Name one charity currently on Just Serve

Any correct answer


What is the name of ours Stake Newsletter?

Liberty Missouri Stake News


Name the real name and the FB name for the most famous member of the Dialog Institute

Eyyup Essen aka Shaq


What is the image on our stake logo?

State of Missouri with a Temple Inside


Are you a Mormon?

Actually, the name of our church is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but sometimes people call us "Mormons" as a nickname


Does Just Serve have a website, an app or both?



What is the name of our Stake FB page?

Liberty Missouri Stake News & Events


Name any of our state reps in our stake boundaries

Bill Allen
Josh Hurlburt
Marty Jacobs
Ken Jamison
Eric Woods
Mark Meirath


Name all of the wards in the Liberty Stake and the buildings they attend:

Kearney Building
- Kearney
- Kellybrook

- Liberty
- Rush Creek
- San Rafael Branch

Stake Center
- Hodge Park
- Doniphan
- Shoal Creek Valley (The ASL Meeting Place)
- Northbrook Park

Jackson (aka Penguin Park)
- Oak Grove
- Smithville Lake
- New Mark


Hey, is that guy a non-member?

Actually, he's not a member of our faith

What is the name of our Stake Just Serve Specialist?

Rachel Sanford


What newspaper ran a story about Giving Machines and an article from Pres. Garcia in the same issue?

The Liberty Courier/Tribune


Name a Clay County Commissioner

Jay Johnson
JoAnn Lawson
Jerry Nolte
Jon Carptenter
Megan Thompson
Scott Wagner
Jason Withington


Who is the oldest high council member and who is the newest?

Oldest - Jeff Coltrin (12-19-2021)
Newest - Bryan Backenstoss and Ryan Eivins (last week)


What is the name of the group of Christian Churches in Liberty that work together to help the community, of which Pres. Garcia is apart

Liberty-area Ministerial Alliance


Name an online project on Just Serve right now:

Any applicable
- Digitize records at the Smithsonian

- Give $ to the Red Cross

- Speak English with non-native speakers


What is the name of the fun section in the newsletter?

Fun Page


Name a member of the Liberty City Council

Greg Canuteson                                    
Shelton Ponder
Harold A. Phillips
Adam Travis
Jeff Watt
Kelley Wrenn Pozel
Kevin Graham
Michael Hagan
Gene Gentrup


Who schedules the building for stake events?

Bro Roberts, the stake executive secretary


I think that guy goes to church, but not our church. He's a non-member right?

You're right, he's a friend of another faith


Name the two organizations in our stake boundaries with current projects on Just Serve?

Liberty Meals on Wheels

Days for Girls
Phenix Family
KCMO Angels


Which social media posts got the most reach (audience) on FB in the last 90 days

- Welcome Home, Elder Cody Adams

- See Highlights from Elder Gong's Visit to the Stake Last Week (Youtube video link)

- Attention All Youth (Elder Gong Fireside)

- We've Been Richly Blessed By These Four Return Missionaries

- Liberty-area Ministerial Alliance Thanksgiving Devotional Save the Date


What meaning does a member of the stake presidency or sister leader say the invocation every month?

Clay County Comissioners' Meeting


Who sends out the Leadership Post each week?

Matt Stadler, the stake clerk


(Pointing to you) This is my friend _______, (s)he's a Mormon.

That's what we are called sometimes, yes...it's a nickname. The name we actually prefer, though, is The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.