Describe an LTI

Limited Technical Inspection:  Equipment inspections that are limited in scope and objective.


Discuss the tasks of MLG CE

centralized ground supply support (Supply) 

Service support

General Engineering 


Health Services 

authorized overflow organizational and intermediate maintenance support (Maintenance)


Discuss the tasks of MLG CLR

Provide heavy equipment 

Provide line haul

Provide personnel lift 

Provide Medium and heavy lift transport


What is the title of section 132?

Logistic Combat Element (LCE), Combat Logistics Battalion (CLB)


What is the mission of the Maintenance Battalion?

To provide intermediate-level maintenance support to include wheeled and tracked vehicle recovery, salvage and disposal, and general maintenance support, for the MEF’s ground equipment in order to improve and sustain MAGTF.


Name all the principles of logistic support and which one is the Keystone?




Responsiveness (Keystone)





Define direct support 

mission requiring a force to support another specific force


Define the tasks of CLR FWD

1) communications support 

2) command support 

3) services 

4) security support 

5) Reception, Staging, Onward movement and Integration (RSOI) capability 

6) Food service support 

7) nucleus staffing 

8) general support tactical logistics 


How many tasks within CLB?


Define Rebuild 

The restoration of an item to a standard as nearly as possible to its original condition in appearance, performance, and life expectancy


Logistics is defined as (verbatim): 

Logistics is defined as “the science of planning and carrying out the movement and maintenance of forces”


Define general support 

support which is given to the supported force as a whole and not to any particular subdivision


Mission of CLR H&S company 

The H&S Company provides command, control, administration, and command support functions for the regiment


Define the mission of the CLB

To provide a full range of expeditionary combat service support in direct support to the Ground Combat Element, Aviation Combat Element, or Command Element of the MEU


Describe the tasks of Maintenance Battalion

Provide 3d echelon maintenance 

Provide intermediate (4th echelon) maintenance 

Provide a tracked-vehicle evacuation capability

Provide calibration services 

Provide organizational (2d echelon) and intermediate (3d and 4th echelon) maintenance

Provide technical assistance and overflow organizational (2d echelon) maintenance 

Provide intermediate maintenance and modification applications

Provide technical inspection services


Discuss tactical logistic support:

The level of war at which battles and engagements are planned and executed to accomplish military objectives 


Define task organization

organization which assigns the means to accomplish assigned tasks

Mission of MLG CLR (FWD)

Provide command and control, administration, communications, food services, services, landing support and security support for the MLG. 


What are the 10 tasks of CLB?

Maintenance Support 

Repair Parts

ground vehicle recovery and evacuation

intermediate maintenance support

Force protection

transportation support 

supply point and unit re-supply 

engineering operations

Conduct convoy operations 

Train and organize to deploy


Define the mission of Maintenance Battalion Electronics Maintenance Company

Provide intermediate maintenance (3d and 4th echelon) support for the Marine Corps-furnished ground communications-electronics equipment of a MEF


Define Combat Service Support (CSS)

defined as the essential capabilities, functions, activities, and tasks necessary to sustain all elements of operating forces in theater at all levels of war on the battlefield. 


Define MLG 

is a permanently organized grouping of functional components that provides logistic combat element support above the capability of supported units to all elements of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF).


Organization of the MLG Direct Support (DS) CLR

consists of a Headquarters Company, a General Support Motor Transportation company and three direct support Combat Logistics Battalions.


What is the organization of the CLC?

Combat Logistics Companies provide intermediate ground logistics support to aviation units, to include supply and maintenance beyond organic capabilities.


Describe intermediate level maintenance, which echelons it includes, and who performs it

Intermediate maintenance is the responsibility of and performed by designated maintenance activities in direct support of using organizations. Intermediate maintenance normally consists of calibration, repair, or replacement of damaged or unserviceable parts. Intermediate maintenance includes third and fourth echelon maintenance. Third and Fourth Echelon maintenance is almost always performed by specially trained personnel at designated maintenance activities.


Explain the concept of an MPF (Maritime Prepositioning Force): 

(bonus question) What does several have the capability to form?

The Maritime Prepositioning Force (MPF) concept reflects brigade-sized unit deployment/MEF employment utilizing Military Sealift Command (MSC) chartered ships to preposition necessary supplies and equipment.  Several MSC chartered ships of various capabilities deploy to form a single maritime prepositioning ship squadron (MPSRON).

Define the mission of MLG CE

The MLG CE provides general and direct support above the organic capabilities of supported elements of the MAGTF


Mission of the MLG General Support (GS) CLR 

to provide intermediate supply, distribution system support, intermediate maintenance and health service support to the war fighter. (in support of the MEF)


What is the mission of the CLC?

provide intermediate supply support and intermediate motor transport and engineer ground equipment maintenance to their Marine Aircraft Wings (MAWs); operate the Aerial Port of Embarkation/Debarkation (APOE/D) under the guidance of the Marine Expeditionary Force (MEF); and provide personnel to the Fleet Assistance Program (FAP) in support of legal, postal, exchange, security (military police), personnel administration, freight/passenger transportation (TMO) and bulk fuel support for their respective Marine Corps Air Station.


Define the Organization of Maintenance Battalion General Support Maintenance Company

The Company is structured to provide the appropriate technical, supervisory personnel and equipment necessary to augment the maintenance elements of a LCE with a general support intermediate maintenance capability (support of a MEF or up to 4 MEUs).