Recovery 101
Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT)
Treatment Types
Mental Health
Addiction Miscellaneous

_____________________ is a cognitive–behavioral approach to identifying and addressing high-risk situations for relapse and assisting individuals in maintaining desired behavioral changes. 

What is Relapse Prevention? 


Three Medications that are FDA Approved for Opioid Use Disorder

What are Methadone, Buprenorphine (Suboxone, Subutex, Brixadi, Sublocade), & Naltrexone (Vivotrol, Revia)? 


Name at least three methods or "paths" to recovery.

What are MAT, Self-Help Groups (AA; NA; MARA), inpatient/rehab, outpatient counseling (psychotherapy), support groups, etc.? 


True or False: Everyone with Addiction (Substance Use Disorder) also Has a Co-Occurring Mental Health Disorder.

What is False?


____________ is a concept centered around both reducing some of the harms that come with drug use and respecting the right of individuals to make informed choices about their own bodies.

What is harm reduction? 


Anything that brings back thoughts, feelings, or memories of an addiction. 

What is a trigger?


True or False: The FDA has Approved Medications to Assist with Opioid and Alcohol Use Disorders

What is True? 


Participants of this Therapy Method are tasked with challenging their negative beliefs and developing healthier coping strategies. 

What is Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT)?


Mental and _______ Health have a Reciprocal Relationship.

What is Physical? 


___________ is used for the emergency treatment of known or suspected opioid overdose.

What is Narcan (Naloxone)? 


______________ are important tools for the addiction recovery process. These can help you avoid triggers, manage stress, and maintain long-term recovery.

What is a coping skill? 


Medication-Assisted Treatment is also Called ___________ or ___________ (name at least one)

What is Pharmacotherapy and Medication for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD)?


A ____________ helps others navigate AA, attain or maintain sobriety, answer questions, work on the 12-steps, and provide accountability.

What is a sponsor?


Name At Least 3 out of 10 Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)

What are: 

Physical Abuse, Physical Neglect, Neglect, Verbal Abuse, Sexual Abuse, Emotional Neglect, Mental Illness, Addiction/Substance Use Disorder, Imprisonment, Witnessing Abuse, & Losing a Parent to Separation, Death, or Divorce? 


Substance misuse drastically increases the odds of contracting life-changing diseases like ___________ (name at least 1).  

What are HIV, Hepatitis, and STIs/STDs? 


______________ occurs when someone’s body or brain no longer responds to a prescription or recreational drug in the same way it once did. In many cases, this happens when someone has been taking a certain drug for an extended time.

What is tolerance? 


True or False: There is a Recommended Time Limit that People Should be Prescribed MAT

What is False?


The Opposite of Addiction is __________.

What is connection? 


"__________ is Doing the Same Thing Over and Over Again and Expecting Different Results."

What is Insanity? 


This brain chemical plays a strong role in addiction. 

What is Dopamine? 


_______________ is the ability to adapt to stressful situations, process emotions healthily, and effectively recover from challenges.

What is resilience? 


MAT is the "Gold Standard" for OUD - Best Outcomes Occur when Combined with _____________

What is Addiction Treatment (Counseling, Self-Help Groups, Psychotherapy, etc.)?


The difference between sobriety and recovery is that sobriety is the absence of substances, while recovery is a _____________. 

What is a lifestyle? 


Name 2 out of 4 of the most common co-occurring disorders that accompany addiction.

What are anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, bipolar disorder, and trauma disorders?


The Length of Time that it takes the Brain to Return to Baseline Functioning after Stopping Substances.

What is 2 Years?