1849 Merivale Rd, Ottawa, ON K2G 1E3
Who is 540?
Quiet, careful decisions, indirect
What is low dominance?
Goals, Roles, Information, People
What is Grip?
Obey the law, take care of our members, take care of our employees, respect our suppliers, and reward our shareholders
What is the Code of Ethics?
Someone who doesn't recognize they are doing something wrong, and hence continue doing it.
Unconsciously incompetent
Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Results Oriented, and Time Manageable Tasks
What is a SMART goal?
Operating procedures, facilities & materials, data, money & time
What is an information checklist?
To continually provide our members with quality goods and services at the lowest possible prices.
What is Costco's Mission Statement?
Sender, message, feedback, receiver
What is the communication process?
Always, Often, Usually
What are fuzzy words?
Responsibility, Authority, Accountability
What is delagation?
Nonverbal, physical, gesture
What is body language?
Listen, collective communication, set expectations, follow-up, be unbiased
What is a good leader?