The first stage and phase of labor in which mom is still smiling and talking during contractions
What is stage one, latent phase
Phase of labor when contractions become more intense, mom may reconsider pain relief options.
What is the active phase of labor?
Positioning, Hydration, Breathing techniques, Imagery, Effleurage, Massage, Heat/cold therapy, emotional support, hygiene, music
What are nonpharmacologic measures to promote labor and manage pain?
The strength of a contraction at its peak
What is intensity (mild, moderate, or firm)?
Number one risk in the fourth stage of labor.
What is Postpartum hemorrhage?
Begins with the onset of regular uterine contractions and ends with full effacement and dilation of the cervix
What is The First stage of labor?
latent, and active, phases
This form of pharmacological intervention for a laboring mother must have a 1000ml bolus given before administration.
What is an epidural?
The cervix must be what to apply a scalp electrode.
What is dilated
This is how often uterine contractions occur: the time that elapses from the beginning of one contraction to the beginning of the next contraction
What is frequency?
Form of touch that involves light circular fingertip movements on the abdomen, most effective in early labor
What is effleurage?
From complete dilation to birth of fetus
What is the Second stage of labor?
Systemic pain medication that is inhaled and has no known fetal adverse effects.
What is Nitrous Oxide?
This is the descent of the fetal presenting part into the true pelvis approximately 2 weeks before term up until labor starts in the pregnant woman.
What is lightening or dropping?
This is the tension of the uterine muscle between contractions that allows the fetus to recover?
What is the resting tone?
This is used when a mother has a baby positioned posterior to help relieve the pain.
What is counterpressure?
This is the Third Stage of Labor
What is the birth of the fetus to delivery of placenta?
Name two sources of pain during the first stage of labor?
What are cervical dilation and uterine anoxia?
This is the process of the thinning and shortening of the cervix during the first stage of labor. Progress is expressed in percentages from 0%-100%
What is effacement?
The priority nursing assessment after the placenta delivers.
What is the fundal assessment?
Local, regional and general
What is types of anesthesia?
This is the Fourth Stage of Labor
What is the first four hours of Recovery following birth?
These are side effects that can occur with an epidural and spinal
What are hypotension, pruritis (itching), urinary retention?
The opening of the cervix measured in cm.
What is dilation?
This is the primary powers of labor that act involuntarily to expel the fetus and the placenta from the uterus
What are Uterine Contractions?
Patient-controlled pain relief
What is nitrous oxide?