Impact of Labor Support
Pleasing the senses
... is the culmination of a sequence of interrelated hormonal shifts causing regular contractions with cervical change.
What is Normal term labor
Resulted in a higher likelihood of NSVD, lower rate cesarean, lower vaginal instrumental delivery, fewer intrapartum analgesia, and less dissatisfaction with childbirth experience
What is continuous labor support
Most intrapartum nursing care competencies & educational programs focus on skills related to _____________ prior to and during labor and not labor support.
What is electronic fetal monitoring
Studies found that __________ positions shortened the first stage of labor by and average of 66.48 minutes
What is upright
________ direct application of touching to the body by hands or massage tools
What is Massage/effleurage
While there is a gradual physiological increase in maternal stress hormone levels throughout labor, excessive: ______ _________ ________ increases stress hormones & can result in decreased frequency or intensity of contractions.
What is Fear Anxiety Pain
Review of the evidence suggests that interfering with the normal physiological process of labor and birth ____________for mother and baby
What is increases the risk of complications
Numerous experts in the health care disciplines assert that _____________ is a dehumanizing aspect of the natural birth experience
What is technology
Women in ________________ sitting positions have fewer and less severe perineal lacerations and episiotomies than in semi-recumbent position
What is squatting or upright
It has been known for several decades that _____ in childbirth can promote relaxation
What is music
Beta-endorphins “ nature ’ s narcotic ” __________ hormones provide a physiological mechanism to modulate the laboring woman ’ s experience of pain.
What is Beta-endorphins “ nature ’ s narcotic ”
supportive care of the childbearing woman was associated with a decrease in adverse perinatal outcomes, including:
What is Medical complications Psychosocial complications Length of labor Type of delivery
Nurses’ time is spent managing _____________rather than providing comfort and support in labor. In this environment, it is easy to lose sight of the physiology and benefits of normal birth.
What is technology
Continuous movement gently “jiggles” the baby back and forth in the pelvis to help the infant Flex, Rotate, and __________.
What is descend
Ways for Hot/cold therapy
What is Warm packs massaged onto low back Warm blankets Cold soda can massaged onto low back Bowl of ice water with cloths Ice Packs Any other creative ideas
Increased _____________________ in labor result in vasoconstriction and a reduction in uterine blood flow.
What is catecholamine
The beneficial effects of continuous labor support are thought to be derived from a reduction in maternal anxiety and therby decreasing
What is stress hormones (catecholamine)
In one study women were assigned to two groups Electronic Fetal Monitoring Group Auscultation group Women who were assigned to the admission EFM group were significantly more likely to have:
What is augmentation of labor, epidural analgesia, and operative delivery
_________ posture in labor for periods of 10 minutes at a time, can be used to change fetal malpresentation
What is Hands and knees
release of endorphins, relaxes muscles to decrease tension, stimulates large-diameter nerve fibers to close the gate on pain, promotes better circulation and oxygenation
What is Hydrotherapy
As birth becomes imminent, maternal _________ appear to have the opposite function. A surge in ________ toward the end of labor and in second stage may aid in expulsion of the fetus (referred to as the “ fetal ejection reflex ”) and helps to initiate other actions required for extrauterine life.
What is catecholamine
____________ stated“continuous presence of a support person reduced the likelihood of medication for pain relief, operative vaginal delivery, cesarean delivery, and 5-minute Apgar scores < 7”
What is American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists
Six physiological mechanisms that are important to facilitating labor progress and preventing dystocia of labor:
What is walking sitting kneeling leaning squatting
________ & ________ between contractions often adds to our patients comfort and improves their labor progression
What is movement and changing positions
___________ allows more oxygen to the baby and the uterus, and allows the body to do the work.
What is Relaxation