Which BOM prophet said, "I will go and do the things the Lord commands."
What ordinance is performed weekly?
The Sacrament
Who is the first modern day prophet?
Joseph Smith Junior.
Only worthy members of the Church who hold what item are allowed inside temples?
A current temple reccomend
What is the nickname for a brand new missionary?
"And charity suffereth long, and is kind, and envieth not, and is not puffed up, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked."
Moroni, son of Mormon
Which ordinance did Christ himself perform as an example for all of us?
Which prophet also had a son who became prophet?
Joseph F. Smith
Which was the first functioning temple?
Kirtland temple
How long do missionaries attend the MTC?
3-9 weeks
Alma the son of Alma (Alma the younger)
How many ordinances are performed in temples?
Which prophet was prophet for the shortest amount of time?
President Howard W. Hunter
Nauvoo Illinois temple
What is the new (as of 2019) missionary handbook called?
Missionary Standards for Disciples of Jesus Christ
"Honor thy father and they mother that thy days may be long upon the land."
Abinadi and Nephi
When doing baptisms for the dead, excluding the baptizer and person being baptized, how many people have to be there in order for the ordinance to be valid?
3. 2 witnesses, and 1 recorder.
Which prophet co-wrote the Church's first official film, "Man's Search for Happiness?"
Gordon B Hinckley
With Utah being the state with the most amount of temples, which state has the second highest amount of temples?
How many missions are there?
"Wherefore ye must press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope, and a love of God and all men."
List all ordinances (excluding ordinances done in temples)
Administration to the sick, blessing the sacrament, baptism by immersion, blessing of children, conferring the Holy Ghost, conferring the priesthood.
Which prophet served as U.S. Secretary of Agriculture?
Ezra Taft Benson
Which temple was the first to be built outside the continental United States?
Laie Hawaii temple
How many missionaries are currently serving?
Roughly 72,000